This suggests that the Contemptor Pattern Dreadnought played an integral part in the earliest Astartes forces raised on Terra for the Great Crusade. The IMPERIUM keyword is used in the following Space Marines datasheets: The ARTILLERY keyword is used in the following Space Marines datasheets: The BLACK TEMPLARSBLOOD ANGELSDARK ANGELSDEATHWATCHIMPERIAL FISTSIRON HANDSRAVEN GUARDSALAMANDERSSPACE WOLVESULTRAMARINESWHITE SCARSASTRAL CLAWSBLOOD RAVENSCARCHARODONSCRIMSON FISTSCASTELLANS OF THE RIFTEMPERORS SPEARSEXECUTIONERSEXORCISTSFIRE ANGELSFIRE HAWKSFLESH TEARERSHOWLING GRIFFONSLAMENTERSMANTIS WARRIORSMARINES ERRANTMINOTAURSNOVAMARINESRAPTORSRED SCORPIONSSILVER TEMPLARSSONS OF MEDUSASTAR PHANTOMSTIGER CLAWSTOME KEEPERSWOLFSPEAR and CORE keywords are used in the following Space Marines datasheets: The IRON HANDS and VEHICLE keywords are used in the following Space Marines datasheets: The IMPERIAL FISTS and CORE keywords are used in the following Space Marines datasheets: The SALAMANDERS and CORE keywords are used in the following Space Marines datasheets: The SALAMANDERS and CHARACTER keywords are used in the following Space Marines datasheets: The BLACK TEMPLARSBLOOD ANGELSDARK ANGELSDEATHWATCHIMPERIAL FISTSIRON HANDSRAVEN GUARDSALAMANDERSSPACE WOLVESULTRAMARINESWHITE SCARSASTRAL CLAWSBLOOD RAVENSCARCHARODONSCRIMSON FISTSCASTELLANS OF THE RIFTEMPERORS SPEARSEXECUTIONERSEXORCISTSFIRE ANGELSFIRE HAWKSFLESH TEARERSHOWLING GRIFFONSLAMENTERSMANTIS WARRIORSMARINES ERRANTMINOTAURSNOVAMARINESRAPTORSRED SCORPIONSSILVER TEMPLARSSONS OF MEDUSASTAR PHANTOMSTIGER CLAWSTOME KEEPERSWOLFSPEAR keyword is used in the following Space Marines datasheets: The BLACK TEMPLARS and CORE keywords are used in the following Space Marines datasheets: The BLACK TEMPLARS and CHARACTER keywords are used in the following Space Marines datasheets: The IMPERIAL FISTS and CHARACTER keywords are used in the following Space Marines datasheets: The EMPERORS SPEARS and CORE keywords are used in the following Space Marines datasheets: The EMPERORS SPEARS and CHARACTER keywords are used in the following Space Marines datasheets: The EXORCISTS and CORE keywords are used in the following Space Marines datasheets: The EXORCISTS and CHARACTER keywords are used in the following Space Marines datasheets: The DEATHWATCH and INFANTRY keywords are used in the following Space Marines datasheets: The DEATHWATCH and DREADNOUGHT keywords are used in the following Space Marines datasheets: The DEATHWATCH and BIKER keywords are used in the following Space Marines datasheets: Space Marine strike cruisers and battle barges contain baroque chambers fitted with ancient technologies that can teleport the Angels of Death into the very heart of battle. Mortal wounds inflicted by attacks in addition to normal damage always apply, even if normal damage saved. Once the warfleet's warriors have landed at their target, the Helbrute is unleashed, a lunatic beast of flesh and metal intent upon venting its rage on everything in its path, friend and foe alike. Much of the more advanced techno-arcana was cast aside in favour of arms more readily manufactured and maintained by the hell-spat forges of the Dark Mechanicum. Chaos Dreadnoughts' weapons are configured in the same way as Imperial Dreadnoughts of the same pattern and variant but have no specific designations. Castellans of the Rift Battle Tactic Stratagem, Emperors Spears Battle Tactic Stratagem, Use this Stratagem before the battle, when you are mustering your army, if every unit in your army has the, Use this Stratagem before the battle, after nominating a model to be your, Black Templars Strategic Ploy Stratagem, Use this Stratagem during deployment. This sarcophagus is then placed within the armoured form of a combat walker that the sarcophagus' inhabitant can control using neural impulses. At that time, all the Space Wolves present, from the Great Wolf to the youngest Blood Claw, raptly and silently gather around the Ancient to hear him speak of their Primarch Leman Russ, and keep the Space Wolves' ancient oral tradition alive. The first Mhara Gal is believed to have been created from the barely living remains of a Gal Vorbak Dark Brethren and a battle-shattered Contemptor Dreadnought chassis, both recovered from the blood-soaked ground of Istvaan V. Fused together by unholy practices, they were then corrupted by a Warp-borne power, giving birth to a new monstrosity -- a living engine of war and hatred. The most common known Dreadnought Force Weapon wielded by Librarian Dreadnoughts is the Dreadnought Force Halberd, although there may be other types used. Captain with Master-crafted Heavy Bolt Rifle, Interrogator-Chaplain in Terminator Armour, Wolf Guard Battle Leader in Terminator Armour, Librarian in Terminator Armour (Legendary), Ephrael Stern and Kyganil of the Bloody Tears, Ordo Malleus Inquisitor in Terminator Armour, If that unit is within Engagement Range of any enemy units, make a. *Update* 8-27-2020 Rhino and Razorback Added, Hunter-killer missile up to Strength 10 from 8, *Update* 8-28-2020 Devastator Squad Added, Boltgun still listed at 24 this contradicts other Boltguns (see above), Thunder Hammer dropped to -2 AP (from -3) and is listed at 3 damage (as opposed to 4 from above), Multi-Melta now D6 shots, Strength 5, AP -1, Damage 1 This is contradictory and could be a misprint (its heavy flamer stats) or it could be an alternate fire mode, *Update* 8-29-2020 Stormraven Gunship Added, Twin Multi-Melta: Now 4 shots (up from 2), Typhoon Missile Launcher: Unchanged, but does list both profiles, Twin Plasma Cannon Both Modes gained 1 more Damage and this lists both profiles. The pilots encased in the shell of a Dreadnought often have memories stretching back for millennia, and these ancient warriors are a tangible link to their Chapter's past and heritage. Targeting their strikes a split second in advance of the enemy, the 4th Brotherhood predict their foes movement, landing their shots and blows with preternatural accuracy. Even as they are laid low, their blades still lash out at the enemies of the divine Emperor. These were the Furibundus, Deredeo and Contemptor patterns which each had a different weapons configuration. Fewer than a handful of Telemon Dreadnoughts were to be found within the ranks of the Legio Custodes, each intended to stand sentinel over its charges no matter the force brought against it. Each time an attack is made with this weapon, that attack automatically hits the target. All Contemptor Dreadnoughts are protected by advanced Atomantic Shielding which generates a protective gravitic shield around the walker using an advanced Atomantic power core and which provides greater protection from both ranged and melee attacks for the walker. Either way, a single Wraithlord can turn the tide of battle for the Eldar; the legends of the fallen heroes within the construct continuing to grow even after death. A corresponding disadvantage was their size as tabletop models; this made them highly visible and particularly in the game's early days where large tank models were less common, Dreadnoughts were highly vulnerable to being sighted from long distance and destroyed before they could retaliate. All New Redemptor Dreadnought The main statline is unchanged, as is its degraded performance when damaged. The Dreadnoughts represent the living embodiment of glorious victories, great deeds, slain heroes, unquestionable loyalties and proven honour. Click for details. One of the primary weapon systems the Deredeo could mount was the twin-linked Anvilus Autocannon Battery, a fearsome development of the existing Autocannon pattern that could engage and destroy armoured targets with a punishing salvo of fire. Interestingly, the Space Wolves' Venerable Dreadnought is similar in design to the standard Mark V Dreadnought, save for the Space Wolves badges and iconography and the unique Lightning Claw/Heavy Flamer on the left side. But even during these dark times for the servants of the Ruinous Powers, the rare few Chaos Contemptor Pattern Dreadnoughts were always held as a most precious resource by those Chaos Space Marine warbands fortunate enough to possess them. Like all Primaris Dreadnoughts, its high performance comes at the expense of the mortally wounded pilot within, whose damaged form is slowly burned out by the strain of operating such an awesome beast. Sr. Editor & Publisher: Larry Vela Datasheet-related Stratagems MARKED FOR DEATH 2CP Swordbearers - Battle Tactic Stratagem The Swordbearers psychically upload the minutiae of the target's every move and position to their brothers, sealing the foes' doom. The Space Wolves also possess standard shells for their Venerable Dreadnoughts. The SWORDBEARERSBLADES OF VICTORYWARDMAKERSPRESCIENT BRETHRENPRESERVERSRAPIERSEXACTORSSILVER BLADES keyword is used in the following Grey Knights datasheets: The SWORDBEARERS and PSYKER keywords are used in the following Grey Knights datasheets: The PRESCIENT BRETHREN and PSYKER keywords are used in the following Grey Knights datasheets: The CORE keyword is used in the following Grey Knights datasheets: The SILVER BLADES and CORE keywords are used in the following Grey Knights datasheets: Blessing: Armoured Resilience has a warp charge value of 6. It, like the standard pattern Castraferrum Dreadnought, is intended to provide mortally wounded Primaris Marines with another chance to continue to serve the Emperor. They are very similar to their Loyalist Castraferrum Pattern counterparts but have not undergone the mutational process to become Helbrutes. There exists little information on the Lucifer Pattern, with only vague descriptions implying that the armour configuration of the Castraferrum Pattern Dreadnought is far more to the fore than on the Lucifer. Ork Dreads are armed with massive numbers of claws and guns. Let's get them all in once place and take a look. Ancient Guldor of the Salamanders Chapter, a Mark IV Venerable Dreadnought. An Eldar Wraithlord of Craftworld Mymeara. Also find all the assembly instructions for the Space marines. A Contemptor's standard weapons complement can be replaced with a number of different weapons to suit different tactical needs, including a Multi-melta, a twin-linked Heavy Flamer, a twin-linked Autocannon, a Plasma Cannon, a Kheres Pattern Assault Cannon, a twin-linked Lascannon, a power-leeching Heavy Conversion Beamer, and a Chainfist with a built-in Storm Bolter. Full Masthead & Authors. Mortal wounds inflicted by attacks in addition to normal damage always apply, even if normal damage saved. The following is a list of all known Dreadnought patterns other than the Castraferrum Pattern: The term "Proto-Dreadnought" encompasses the myriad Dreadnought patterns that that have been used by humanity since the Dark Age of Technology. Names, trademarks, and images copyright theirrespective owner. Listen to the Podcast. Datasheet-related Stratagems ARMOUR OF CONTEMPT 1CP Adeptus Astartes - Epic Deed Stratagem The belligerency of some Adeptus Astartes machine spirits makes them unyielding foes to face. A Relic Contemptor Pattern Dreadnought of the Minotaurs Chapter armed with a Kheres Pattern Assault Cannon and a Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon with in-built twin-linked Bolter. Select one. A model makes attacks using the close combat weapon profile if it has no other melee weapons. The following is a list of xenos combat walkers that are the equivalent to Imperial and Chaos Dreadnoughts: The Orks also have noticed the usefulness of Dreadnoughts in battle, particularly their "shooty" and "stompy" aspects. Thus, they serve as a potent symbol of what the Grey Knights are and what they stand for in their service to the Imperium. Due to the fact that Ork Meks have less understanding of technology than the Adeptus Mechanicus, most Orkish Dreads are simply robotic-controlled war machines with an array of buttons and levers to be used by the Gretchin pilot rather than the pilot being cybernetically interfaced with the machine. They fight with a pair of terrifying Brutalis Talons, which can rip enemy tanks and infantry asunder or even tear the legs from a Chaos Knight. The INFANTRY keyword is used in the following Space Marines datasheets: The CENTURION keyword is used in the following Space Marines datasheets: The TERMINATOR keyword is used in the following Space Marines datasheets: The BIKER keyword is used in the following Space Marines datasheets: To a Space Marine, the boltgun is more than a weapon - it is an instrument of Mankinds divinity, the bringer of death to his foes. The most esteemed member of the Space Wolves, Bjorn is the only being the current Great Wolf will listen to and if necessary defer to, and is reverently woken once in each standard century. Dreadnoughts are a combination of armoured walker and cybernetic life-support system; their pilots are neurally linked straight into the Dreadnought's cybernetic systems, and are able to use the walker as if it were their own body, although they are permanently entombed within its Ceramite skin until they are destroyed. Chapter-specific Dreadnoughts such as the Blood Angels' Furioso and the Dark Angels' Mortis also exist; these use the standard Mark V design. They both gained a shot but apparently have a combined profile.). For many solar decades the arts by which the power of an Astartes psyker could be maintained medically within the armoured sarcophagus of a Dreadnought eluded the Thousand Sons and any other Space Marine Legion that tried, with the occupant experiencing a lingering death, madness or malign psychic phenomena. The first Dreadnought models produced were for the Space Marines and Imperial Guard armies. The cost for this boon, however, is the loss of the advanced Atomantic Shielding used by the original Contemptor Pattern Dreadnought. Each fallen champion who rests within the sarcophagus of a Dreadnought has seen a thousand battles and slain foes beyond counting. Overview It is the most heavily armored type of Dreadnought in the Space Marine arsenal, trading long-range weaponry for thicker ceramite plating. More than one Iron Father in the Chapters history has known the honour of ascending to a Dreadnought sarcophagus. The Contemptor Pattern Dreadnought, like much of the technology developed at the dawn of the Imperium of Man, is larger and more powerful than its standard pattern counterparts and was once a key part of the earliest Space Marine Legion forces raised on Terra in the 31st Millennium to initiate the Great Crusade. Each close combat attack is made with a melee weapon. The other themed Dreadnoughts can be used by other Chapters. Each mortal wound inflicted on a unit causes one model in the unit to lose one wound. They included an Ultramarines Dreadnought with an Assault Cannon and Powerfist/Stormbolter, the Dark Angels Dreadnought with a twin-linked Lascannon and Missile Launcher (now known as the fire-support or Hellfire Dreadnought), the Blood Angels Dreadnought Furioso with a Multi-Melta and Powerfist/Stormbolter, and the Space Wolves' Bjorn the Fell-Handed Venerable Dreadnought with an Assault Cannon and Lightning Claw/Heavy Flamer. One of the more notable examples of a Venerable Dreadnought is the Space Wolves' Bjorn the Fell-Handed. The shooting models target is within half the weapons range. The Rocks Armoury houses all manner of ancient wonders. They are living legends, whose mere presence inspires those battle-brothers who fight in their shadow to great deeds. Wraithlords have incredible strength in any case, but also sometimes carry a wraithsword for close-combat. Double number of attacks made if target is within half range. A trio of Ultramarines Dreadnoughts provide covering fire, including, from left to right, a Castraferrum Dreadnought, a Venerable Dreadnought and an Ironclad Dreadnought. Download All Datasheets (18 MB) Back to Apocalypse Factions Download All Factions (12 MB) Adepta Sororitas 8 Units that Fall Back cannot shoot or manifest psychic powers this turn unless they are. This is excellent because the Librarian Dreadnought . When facing the largest enemies, Vulkans sons draw upon their gene-sires titanic might, their strength terrible to behold. 5 Fabius Bile Fabius Bile is equipped with: Xyclos Needler; Chirurgeon; Rod of Torment; frag grenades; krak grenades. With a zealous cry, the Black Templars press forward towards victory.