1. Stay off the stand-up/ spin bike for a little. This can be achieved by applying ice every two hours for 20 minutes for 2-3 days. Hold a dumbbell above your head, arms straight. No PT and working with my surgeon. You can also begin walking after about a month to get used to putting weight on your leg again. I am going to be 4months post op, the exercises I do: Squats with 6kg dumbbell Lunges with 6kg dumbbell Monster walks Resistance band exercises During carioca drill you move sideways at fast speed or run sideways. You have to wear knee brace for next two weeks. Im getting a double allograft ACL replacement plus an allograft LCL repair. Watup LH thanks for the time to read my post. -Good mornings And above all else, continue to train the good leg. I was wondering if you could help me get on the right track for an upper body workout while I am recovering from my injury. I have some ideas for advice floating in my head, but Id like to get my above questions answered so I can be more detailed. Hamstring tendons are harvested during surgery which takes 6 weeks to heal. Relax or do stretches to recover your body on weekends. First, consuming enough essential nutrients needed for muscle growth is necessary for building back leg muscle. The faster you can get the anesthesia out of your system, the better you do. Physical therapy is a good idea for someone deciding against ACL reconstruction surgery. College athletes? Hold dumbbells with any palm angle, and, keeping arms straight and shoulders relaxed, lift them up in front of you so that your arms are parallel with floor. If you continue to perform body part splits, Id recommend splitting your legs day to do single leg variations for the healthy leg and rehab exercises for the surgical knee. Used a battlerope and slam ball for tabata style cardio. The patients upper body muscles will benefit tremendously from weightlifting workouts. The fact that you say you have the ACL and LCL injuries and are still able to squat deep and still be active in sports is a good indicator of current leg strength. Pinterest. I dont wanna be sitting around hitting the gym 3x a week for 30 minute sessions just cause I cant do a bunch of exercises. [quote]rehanb_bl wrote: Don't push it too hard. This is the opposite of the leg extension motion and works your hamstrings. Land gently with knees slightly bent. Continue this exercise for two to three days to help blood circulation and to prevent blood clots from forming in your legs. Also you lack donor site morbidity (the surgical insult to the knee) so you feel better faster although you are not healed and can stress the graft too muchthen pop and youre in a revision situation. Touch device users . I'm gonna be on a test C+EQ cycle during recovery and wanna take the time. The bone to bone healing is what provides the shorter recovery track. . Until July 2021 everything was going well and I never had the "giving-away-feeling" in the bad leg. Sup all, I'm getting an ACL+LCL reconstruction in about a month and according to the doc I'll be able to get back in the gym within a week after the surgery however certain lifts will probably not be allowed for a while. Breathe through your diaphragm and keep the upper body relaxed. I injured myself in combat sports, but for upper body post surgery i kept it very simple, one 25 dumbell and the usual push/pull dumbell workout. Due to the biological processes that make ACL reconstruction possible, the replacement graft is at its weakest during the7-12 week post-surgeryperiod. After that, you move on to biking and, finally, running. How can I replace some of these if I cant do them standing? Ive actually got enough stability right now in my knee where I can squat deep and heavy, run around, jump, shoot hoops hang from a basketball rim etc. My gym has a class so I did them there but you could easily do it at home if you have the bands. He travels the world lecturing on performance and nutrition for Power Athlete and FUSE MOVE. Following surgery, the patient will be spending a lot of time in a seated position, but from here, he or she can conduct exercise routines for upper body muscles. This site may contain third-party advertisements and links to third-party sites. Total 10 exercises x 2 times. This site should be used for informational purposes only. Surgery can be done once swelling goes down with return of normal range of motion. However with a bunch of screws in your knees its probably not a good idea to do these for a while once you go under the knife. . Right now its Chest, Back, Shoulders n tris, Legs n bis (no squats anymore, just good mornings and calf raises). Im 300+ lbs (hence the decision for a double ACL graft) so autografts are out of the question. Even skull crushers and bicep curls sitting on a bench with my leg up. A painful injury where the upper arm bone dislocates out of its normal position with significant damage to the surrounding soft tissues. I am completely rehabbing myself at home. Use variations of exercises to limit the stresses on the knee. Proprioception exercises: Continue with proprioception exercises mentioned earlier and add these following exercises: Hip resistance exercises: Use theraband / resistance band for the hip exercises you were doing before. Total 10 exercises x. You can perform varieties to drills standing or rowing or seated, including rowing and pressing movements. John has worked with the MLB, NFL, NHL, Olympic athletes and Military. Driving can safely be assumed when you regain range of motion and normal reaction time. It may take 2-3 weeks after injury. Id really like to be able to continue following it. It is very helpful for developing run and cut skills in field sports. As soon as you are cleared to do so, reincorporating physical activity into your routine will help increase caloric expenditure. This is a small chance, but generally I have seen recovery times last a bit longer in those who chose the allograft option over the autograft. isometric exercises best suit these criteria. And he also created the online training phenomena, Johnnie WOD. Let me also point out that once you are able to weight bear, you will be in a straight leg immobilizer for a bit and depending on how the surgery goes and what is done, you may be restricted to specific ROM limitations and have the brace locked within that specific range. . Due to the biological processes that make ACL reconstruction possible, the replacement graft is at its weakest during the, , this stage of ACL reconstruction is the most susceptible to re-injury. I tried to do that 4x per week. No meniscal damage is present, confirmed by various MRIs. Rest. . Reduction of swelling helps the return of range of motion. Run for 30 seconds. These exercises give you a smooth segue into some of the advanced movements you'll be doing in the months to come. The recovery rate can vary depending on how your body reacts to the outside tissue and how quickly it accepts it. Avoiding certain foods can significantly improve inflammation levels. Its been a little over a year now since my acl surgery and Ill tell you now, everyones capabilities after a surgery are different based on how one recovers quicker than another but I dont suggest you do any of those things. The ultimate goal of therapy is to develop strength so that you get back to sports again. Things like water, fish oil, vitamin C & D3 and a diet free of crap are fundamental to speed healing. Getting wet and in the pool is an easy way to get back into exercise post-surgery. I have recently suffered a torn ACL injury; therefore I am unable to do full body workouts. I dont want to go for surgery. On the upside you will not have a hamstring to rehab or any meniscal damage which stack the odds significantly in your favour. This may take 2-3 weeks. Do 15 reps. It takes weeks of therapy to get the body used to total knee replacement. Several pairs of dumbbells should already be waiting for the patients arrival home. Jogging still isn't the best idea because of the sudden impact to your knee. Repeat 15 20 times. Straightforward information on fitness, exercise and fat loss. Just take it easy, and you have to push through the pain. Gradually reduce the size of 8 and increase your speed as you progress. Surgery may take 1-2 hours depending upon the presence of other injuries (meniscus or other ligament injury). With this sort of injury, a single part of [], [] __________________Training with a Torn ACL Talk to Me JohnnyAre Carbs More Addictive Than Cocaine? Privacy PolicyThe information on this site is not intended or implied to be medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. ACL Reconstruction is a surgical procedure to reconstruct the ligament in the center of your knee in order torestore its function after an injury. This is very important demand during sport activity. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Also, what is your training history? In addition to walking, swimming, and riding an exercise bike, you can start using an elliptical or even a stair climber for your aerobic workout. Press out to the side to work your abductors for 10 reps. Then, start with the pads out as wide as you can and pull them in close together to work your adductors for 10 reps. This will factor into exercises where you may need to have your knees bent to a certain degree but may not be capable/allowed to bend you knee to that range. -Standing upright rows Lie face down on the bed and bend your knee. Kevin worked with Steady and Kstar worked for Kevin Stone. Stand with your feet at a shoulder distance and bend your hip, knee and ankles until knee are flexed to 90 degrees. Uncategorized. Thanks for the info and excellent programming John! It may not display this or other websites correctly. After ACL injury: After ACL tear rehabilitation primarily aims at reducing swelling and restoring range of motion. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The patellar tendon graph is an old way of thinking. With a light weight, kick your legs out straight until your knees are locked out, then slowly lower the weight back down. Wean off braces after two weeks. Just to clarifythe BPB autograft (your own tissue) is still the gold standard for high demand/cutting sport/pro athletes. To lose weight, youneed to be in a caloric deficit,which means that you expend more energy during the day than you are consuming. Start doing these below mentioned exercises: You may do either exercise 1 or 2. Desk type job can be assumed after 1 month. Im planning on returning to competitive amateur football when Im done with rehab. Keeping upper arms fixed in place, bend only lower arms so that the weight is behind your head, elbows pointing to ceiling.