Following Brian's suggestion I have taken the haunted house from The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh as the basis of my haunted house. Overview. Within this map pack you will find a bunch of maps representing different levels of The Sea Ghost, a smuggler's ship from the adventure The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh, published in the 5e Dungeons and Dragons module Ghosts of Saltmarsh.. [2] The scenario is the first of the Underwater (U) series of modules set in Saltmarsh, and details a ghostly ship and the haunted mansion of an evil alchemist. I don't have the faintest idea and all the places you'd usually ask for hints don't even have the people you'd expect there. The current version listed is compiled and fixed. Beautiful cover and clear and readable text and maps throughout. It wants the place to feel like a place you can just wander around in, which is what makes the whole adventure work in the first place. I thought I downloaded all the necessary files as well as required projects, yet the log file states the wrm_seasonalv10.hak is missing. - one of the houses is clipping with grass: One day I hope to put the new and revised version that has all of these little kinks, among others, ironed out. His goal is to destabilize the council of Saltmarsh and take it over with members he can control, just as he controls Anders. Inside Ghosts of Saltmarsh D&D Best Aquatic Adventures, All In One Place. @DM Wise it might help to put the hak in an archive (zip 7z or RAR). An evil Alchemist's mansion stands alone on a cliff and mysterious lights and hauntings have kept people away despite rumors of great treasure. Needless to say, there be Spoilers Ahead, so Im going to go ahead and drop this Spoiler Warning right here. The "POD" means the "Print On Demand" copy. It was also where all the weapons were kept. We are going to play this on the 16th so it is time to finalise my prep. - Sahuagins in throne room are dead (baron and his wife and guardians) Could the shark have killed them? This title was added to our catalog on January 22, 2013. The problem disappeared in the later parts of the game.. somehow.. Whether its the fact that a merchant that works with the smugglers has cooked up a harebrained scheme to try and keep the players from learning the truth by planting an assassin prisoner in the upper floor of the mansion: Hell join the party and cause problems, possibly even attacking once the jig is upbut the DM is always instructed to not be obvious about it. - Ian Dyverlaw does not recognize he already told me about alchemist I am back at the Dunwater delta ready to go back to Saltmarsh, but it wont let me get back on the boat. The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh is a wonderful adventure that helps us stretch a lot of DM muscles that we often talk about on this website and in Return of the Lazy Dungeon Master. No directions. Removed CMP requirements and added music files into hak form for ease of installation. Available for a Limited Time: The Wish of Inheritance! Played with Barbarian 2nd level, solo, with NWN:EE. This package includes her version of the mod, a 25-page PDF DM guide, maps, DMFI Wands & Widgets and a sample DM character. Would be nice to have final raid with the alliance to kill sahuagin bosses. We use our own custom deity system here, so make sure to read those changes and requirements before proceeding as a Cleric. But another problem arose. This is a good chance to fail forward. The adventure can be played by 5-10 characters of level 1-3. And it again, places emphasis on what the players are setting out to do. He is being fed information and advice from his family's longtime advisor, Skerrin Wavechaser, a secret agent of the Scarlet Brotherhood. I had that happen to me with corrupted modules and some versions of NWN:EE. According to TSR's official codes, the "U" coding on "Secret of Saltmarsh" stands for "underwater." took me three sessions to run the first half of the module (of course first session was also making all of the AD&D characters, so probably closer to 4 or 5 hours total). In fact, more than one NPC has a goal to ensure the characters don't to go the mansion. Equally significant is that the module encourages and rewards . This particular agent, however, will end up dead if the council (and thus Skerrin) finds out that the characters know who it is. Underwater Series. Master Ian by day can be found at the Kraken. Sponsored. And there are nasty surprises in terms of traps and secrets waiting for characters at times usually without it being overtly frustrating, although I would encourage at least one character in the party with investment in the search skill otherwise you may be 'searching' for solutions to puzzles for some time. web pages the sinister secret of saltmarsh. I made the maps for the house and Sea Ghost all in Photoshop, and I have uploaded them to my DeviantArt gallery. Please critique as I may be using them in the game and I want them to be the best I can make them. I discovered this because it happened on the WoG Persistent World in which all manners of boats and liferafts lost their ability to be interacted with. THESE MAPS ARE FREE FOR DOWNLOAD! Magic items should be found by players as treasure and not come as handouts from the DM. There are plenty of weapons here and a few are still usable. The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh received positive reviews from critics. Thanks for the constructive feedback everyone. Looks like you forgot to compile module after making changes so fixed were not applied correctly. No, it is compiled. I recommend leveling characters to 2nd level when they have cleared the first and second floors of the mansion and 3rd level by the time they have cleared out the smugglers in the caves below the mansion. No other level in D&D is nearly as dangerous as 1st. 1st level characters are really squishy. Update: 11/5/21: Fixed all bugs, added more features, quality of life improvements, restored sea cave ceilings, and added a number of other flourishes, enhancements. This site uses affiliate links to Amazon and DriveThruRPG. - OOC lines in Constable and Granger conversations after Dunwater I recently started this module and so far am really enjoying it. So I suppose it is possible that if you enter Saltmarsh at night on your first entrance, then you won't find any of the people you are looking for? U1 The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh (1e) Hedge's Adventures in the Realms (5e) Dwimmermount (ACKS) A Village With No Name [Sandbox] (2e AD&D) North Spine campaign (Labyrinth Lord) Under Streets of Splendor (2ed) Anything Goes: Vol. Feel free to PM me with any questions or concerns. Apparently I need to rename one of the haks (cep2_custom). Main quests (quest givers in the tavern, entrances in the wild) The Haunting of Saltmarsh 3/32 Questgiver: Krag; Under the Cover of Darkness 3/32 Questgiver: Anders Solmor; Some crew might be sleeping. I think it was during fighting with locked chests..? For more information on the server, or if you would like to play there after sampling the module, you may visit our forum for information: If you purchased Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh, yet you did not log into the game with an active VIP subscription between the launch of Saltmarsh on August 4th and 11:59 PM Eastern September 5th 2021, your account is not eligible and you will not have any claim tickets to give to Garthalmor. I have the ORIGINAL Modules (all three) and as a player I loved that's why I bought them to DM I loved having them figure it out and face the consequences when they did not. I hope you enjoy it. Immerse your players in this tense and deadly adventure, full of rich environments, dangerous monsters, and rich rewards. Wow, thanks for those comments, Werelynx. The first part is set in the town of Saltmarsh and deals with unraveling the secret of the haunted house that lies on the edge of town. The module includes optional pre-generated first level characters for use by the players. You can read all of these articles here: Like those articles, this article contains spoilers for Ghosts of Saltmarsh. 35 of White Dwarf magazine by Jim Bambra, who scored it 9 out of 10 and described it as entertaining and interesting. That doesn't mean they'll act perfectly, however. Update: 1/19/22: Fixed missing door textures in Saltmarsh. All rights reserved. The most obvious one being that it was written and published by TSR (UK), the British arm of TSR, which would have a profound effect upon both the type of adventure its pages contained and the type of fantasy. The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh can be played by five to ten characters of 1st3rd levels. D&D Dungeon Module U1 The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh TSR #9062. disappeared. I see the issue. [2] The publication contains large-scale maps, a full background story, and detailed encounter descriptions for the players and Dungeon Master (DM). First, it features the increasingly familiar trope of a town homebase with a nearby adventure. Instead of a good old dungeon crawl, players got to explore a big old spooky house, and deal with all sorts of annoying wandering monsters, as well as traps and illusions."[7]. and an ominous threat of more dangers to come, as the adventurers must fight to unravel a smuggling ring delivering weapons to a tribe of lizardfolk. I think I should have it finalized this weekend, but I'll need to post a brand new hak and module listing, and I would like to run a few playtests first. secrets of heavenly by teresa robison goodreads. I was very careful when downloading and installing all the content. One-click unsubscribe later if you don't enjoy the newsletter. When I click it nothing happens. The abandoned, dilapidated mansion of an evil alchemist has been the subject of rumors about hauntings and treasure. I just bought the PDF and there's NO MAPS??? The second part of the module follows on from the first, expanding on the concept.[3][4]. - gold from some containers in the beginning was warded twice "your share of the loot is 5GP", Get 5 GP, then take them out actually get them. "[2], The module was ranked the 27th greatest Dungeons & Dragons adventure of all time by Dungeon magazine in 2004. Not abandoned, just on hiatus for real life and world building. Sea Ghost Main Deck. Maybe because the arena master was already dead? Skerrin has sent another agent to the haunted mansion, Ned Shakeshaft. - lots of openable doors with no transition He often told jokes and, after doing so, would clear his throat as though punctuating the joke. [8] According to Denmead, this was "the Scooby Doo episode of D&D modules. Dungeons & Dragons Secret College of Necromancy D20 Green Ronin. Such an awesome and monumental work! In the second half of the adventure, when the players are forced to board a smugglers shipthe same rules applyand one ill-timed fight can trigger the entire ship to start joining in the fray. These products were created by scanning an original printed edition. They are very rare. Where does this come from? For whatever reason, about 5% of Linux users crash at this spot. The adventure is set in the World of Greyhawk campaign setting. The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh is the first installment in a series of three modules designed and developed in the United Kingdom, for beginning adventures with the AD&D rules. Maybe a walkthrough? After that had no effect, I learned that much of the module information is stored in the save file. And stay tuned for the next post, where we'll talk more about making a proper campaign out of Ghosts of . I don't get a journal entry at the start of the module which would be okay, if I'd be drawn into the story right away and didn't have to find out what it is all about, but after I went to Saltmarsh and explored the place I have yet to find anybody who gives me more than a one-liner conversation except for those who tell me about the extra features the PW has (which sort of kills immersion for a single player module). I've killed smugglers in the cave and now i need to locate their ship. Those lines in your client log are just referencing other parts of the World of Greyhawk (the entire server from which the module is from) for map purposes. Expansion features will also be available separately on DDO store, usually 6 months after the release, This page was last modified 15:01, December 4, 2022 (Update 57) by DDO wiki anonymous user. Might be false positive - maybe 22 o'clock is still "day"? Check out Sly Flourish's Frequently Asked Questions. I run through Saltmarsh city, talking to every NPC but can't find ANY plot hook or quest. Or too dogmatic. [8] The adventures are based on the lore of the original module but also its 5th edition variant, Ghosts of Saltmarsh. The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh comes in three editions, Standard, Collector's, and Ultimate, which sell for $19.99/$59.99/$99.99, respectively. August 24th, 2016, 03:42 #2. damned. Most newer books are in the original electronic format. The tools worked as advertised. Like Tales from the Yawning Portal before it, Ghosts of Saltmarsh takes several classic D&D modules (this time around an aquatic theme) and updates and revitalizes them for 5th Edition. Uploaded by I had a good laugh when I discovered my "things that a farmer, his wife, daughter, girl, son, and pig might say" was being used for your commoners. The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh is the first installment in a series of three modules designed and developed in the United Kingdom, for beginning adventures with AD&D rules. To make things a little easier on the characters, consider leveling them to 3rd once they have cleared out the smugglers under the house so they have more resources to take on the crew of the Sea Ghost. Chapter 2 of Ghosts of Saltmarsh doesn't describe when to level characters.