An extremely popular crystal in the spiritual community, selenite is frequently used in Imbolc rituals and spells for different purposes. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. The dolphin is one of my spirit animals, and I have a lovely Grape Amethyst pendant carved into the shape of one. This was an incredible read. And therefore is appropriate for the month of February where there is such an emphasis on romantic and SELF love. What Im sharing here is just my perspective and a suggestion for you to try. ill have to try working with jade & vera cruz crystals, see if they work well together, could be interesting. I shut my eyes, thinking, Oh no, Im about to get trampled; but no! The nights are getting shorter at Imbolc, but they do still feel long. Since Imbolc is also a sacred day honoring the goddess Brigid, crystals and stones linked to the element fire are appropriate. @angela, Hildegard von Bingen was a Saint; this article is about Goddesses. 1 x Amethyst - a crystal associated with spiritual connection thus helping you to connect with and invoke the spirit of Aphrodite. It also represents harmony, completion and unconditional love through its connection to number 6 in sacred geometry. Your information is 100% confidential. She puts our mind to create different stuff and we stay bussy . Most folks know it for its psychic and intuitive properties, but its also helpful with clearing energy, connection with the gods, self reflection and shadow work. Also, since it too is volcanic in origin, Obsidian (and the much rarer natural Opalite) could also be considered as Goddess stones for Pele. She is often honored during Spring celebrations. You may see her symbols with increasing frequency, like fire, serpents, or Saint Brigids cross. One sure sign of Brigids call is when you feel drawn to one of her talents. As Catholicism spread around the world, often by force, Brigid was further assimilated into other belief systems. These stones have been chosen for their energetic properties in relation to each of Brigids 3 aspects. 'Want to Become a CERTIFIED Crystal Healer? On this day, an image of Brigid in her Maiden form is created, dressed in white, and placed in a woven basket (representative of a cradle). They feel softer, gentler, to me, still just as uplifting and spiritual but without the intense (sometimes overwhelming considering Im never without a Black Tourmaline) grounding effect of the darker grape shades. Enter your details below to get your free affirmations guide (plus VIP updates, special offers and insider crystal tips). Deities / Witchcraft. Any use of the information on this website is at the readers discretion and risk. So lets dive into crystals plus more for celebrating Goddess Brigid at Imbolc. Brigid is seen as a keeper of the light and is often pictured holding a flame in the palm of her hand. Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | Spotify | Stitcher | RSS. Because Brigid is a goddess of the smithing and the sacred flame. Its magical properties include money, love, protection, fidelity, exorcism and success. During the first ten years, these priestesses received special training in the ways of the goddess. You can use either crystal listed to help you gain the planet's energy. I think it would team well with Alexandrite which also instils a deep, almost cosmic peace Petalite, Angelite, and Celestite; and of course the usual heart chakra crew: Rose Quartz, Pink Tourmaline, Rhodonite, Rhodochrosite, Kunzite and so on. As for horses, well, my first job was at a riding stable on a work for lessons basis. She gives us inspiration, deep wisdom, divination, healing and midwifery, peace, abundance, working in harmony with the Earth to sustain life, and creative expression. I also find I connect with Brigid more when in nature and when I work with the faeries. The Maiden represents enchantment . I work with the Greek goddess Hekate do you know a crystal to work with her energy? (when we celebrate her as a bringer of light). document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); You're one step closer to getting balanced & aligned with healing crystal energy! Make Brigid's Cross. Its said that it was Brigid who taught the people of Ireland about the healing properties of herbs and plants, how to care for cattle and livestock, and how to forge iron and smith tools. I brought home a Fortuna statue a few years ago, even though I didnt know much about her and was looking for a figure of Brigid, which the store didnt have at the time. According to the stories in The Lives of the Saints, Brigid was the midwife present at the birth, placing three drops of water on His forehead. Brigid is often represented by a Saint Brigids cross, which is a cross with four equal-length arms. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Upon his death, Brigids grief was heard so far and wide that both sides left the battle, and instead of forging weapons, forged a lasting peace instead. Here we will relate the myths of the goddess Brigid. Some of the links on my website may reward me with income at no extra cost to you. Top Goddess Crystals Isis, Brigid, Artemis, Kuan Yin. The reason they are listed twice is they are closest to the Sun and their orbit brings them by the Earth more frequently. Lavender Amethyst helps us find compassion for people and forgive. I dont know why people are so prone to pulling up or spraying dandelions these days. Whether youre loving someone else or need to spend time on yourself. With a doctorate from Sancta Sophia Seminary and a Holistic Ministry named Sophias Well, She is an important goddess archetype commonly translated as Divine Wisdom. Sometimes Brigid is represented as three sisters or as three mothers, but these are most commonly viewed as individual aspects of Brigid as a triple goddess. Shes believed to be a female aspect of the Buddha Avalokitesvara. No pain happened, no bones got broken. It not only emits loving vibes, it draws loving vibes towards us. If you have a workspace for these things, you may even want to make an altar to her. May the fire of Goddess Brigid spark inspiration within you today and always! According to Celtic myth, when Brigid was born at sunrise in the town of Faughart, she ascended into the sky along with the sun, and that rays of fire and light shone forth from her head in a tower of flame that reached up to the heavens. 7 Healing Crystals For When Youre Sick: Get back on your feet, Do Framed Crystal Grids Work & How? She is a daughter of the Dagda, and her name means exalted one. Her mother may have been Danu, but this only appears in some sources. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Many folks are concentrated on impressing their romantic interests, while some of us just need to focus on ourselves. Nettle is a highly magical herb with multiple uses including purification, protection, healing, and ghost-exorcism. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Which crystal would you associate with Athena please? Its through this aspect that we also see Brigids relationship to scholarship and learning (especially poetry and history), as well as her ties to vision. Said to be born with a flame emerging from the top of her head, she may also have been a kind of triple goddess. Its said that it was Brigids grief for her son that created the act of keening (singing cries of grief and lament). By Oak, Ash and Thorn, is a well-known phrase in the Celtic shamanic tradition. It is also associated with feminine energy, mystery and psychic abilities. Lapis Lazuli is a deeply healing stone that also assists you in clearing trauma from past lives. The content provided on or through our websites makes no claims for specific or general healing or health results, and should not be used to: (i) examine, diagnose, or treat any medical condition; (ii) prescribe medications; (iii) make claims for specific or general healing or health results; or (iv) as a substitute for traditional medical treatment. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". This ultra-feminine gemstone works with the heart and assists you in loving yourself, relationships or attracting a partner. Results with crystals will vary for different people and cannot be guranteed. She is gentle and kind, and yet stern and strong. Brigid is one of the Tuatha de Danann, or the people of Danu, who are also believed to be of elemental or faery origin. Thank you for showing us this beautiful goddess each of them represent some important stuff and make our life easier and amazing. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. PLUS, you'll receive great crystal healing tips from the Love & Light School in your inbox each week! Still, she is a resilient goddess who survives and even flourishes in multiple pantheons. Obsidian is one of the most protective stones out there. Its widely accepted as a day linked to the ancient Celtic goddess of the poetry and smithing known as Brigid. The best way to connect with Brigid, like any goddess or god, is through her mythology, epithets, and symbols. Brigids knowledge of metalsmithing was incredible in one legend she made a whistle that could be used at night to transport someone to be with another person. In some depictions, she is a single, multifaceted goddess. Here Brigid is revered as a Muse who sparks inspiration in poetry and song. The information on this website is purely spiritual and metaphysical in nature and in no way to be considered a substitute for consultation with a Licensed Medical Practitioner, medicine or medical treatment. Yay! Work with her when you desire more creativity, skill, healing, and abundance in your life. I have a turquoise horse fetish and embraces her traits. Therefore, moon magick is common around this time. @Kelly, I love all Amethyst, but I personally prefer the energies of the lilac/lavender type. The flame wasnt re-lit until February 2nd, 1996 when Sister Mary Minchin, a Brigedian nun at Kildare, relit the flame with the intention of keeping it burning once again. Our Celtic predecessors held sacred days in which they honored the cycles of the sun and earth. thank you. Brigid, the Celtic goddess of fire (the forge and the hearth), poetry, healing, childbirth, and unity, is celebrated in many European countries. Also a wonderful tool for scrying and other forms of divination. And because the sun is slowly making its return to the sky at this time, sunstone is an appropriate Imbolc crystal. All things we tend to experience during the cold Winter months. Amethyst is one of our favorite crystals because it is incredibly versatile. This high vibe crystal is cleansing and can be used to release karmic patterns. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google. If you plan to honor Brigid this Imbolc, lepidolite is appropriate as offering or as Imbolc decoration. In fact, the full moon closest to Imbolc is called the Rowan Moon. I love Peridot as a Goddess stone. The custom of throwing coins into a wishing well may even be linked to the Goddess Brigid. Selenite is connected to the moon, since its name is derived from the moon goddess name Selene. I wish I could share it here with you. Each one has properties to help and provide support for the work to be done to lay plans for the lighter days ahead. You could keep the associated goddess crystal with them. Rosophia, well, I hadnt heard of this stone before (I favour the Quartzes, Beryls, Feldspars, Tourmaline, Fluorite and Topaz); but from what Im reading it makes absolute sense: it appears to connect ones heart chakra with the Heart/Light of the World and instil a deep sense of peace. Im no expert, but as far as I can see they seem to share a number of attributes. Wearing it in an amulet prevents from negative energy accumulation. Its not only my birthstone; it:s also associated with Hawaiian fire and volcano Goddess Pele. I recommend you give the paler Amethysts a shot when you feel you need uplifting and protecting, instead of grounding and protecting. lol dont know if that counts as a stone associated with her or just one with her in it. Make rosemary crowns, wreaths, and altar decorations. A crystal is placed over her heart (representing her purity), and the goddess is invited into the home by the female head of the household by singing sacred songs and chants to welcome her. It's believed that the Irish Saint Brigit was based on her or combined with her. Brigid is also a sun goddess. Another of my very favorite goddess is Lakshmi, Goddess fo Wealth and Abundance. Brigid is known for her many talents. If you are looking for other information, please search my website or visit the Resources page to see if its already been covered elsewhere. Thank you this article is pretty interesting. Its said that this serpent emerges from the mound early in the morning each Imbolc in honor of the goddess. Her presence is often represented by displaying Saint Brigids Cross, a cross woven of reeds (or often three or four sheaves of wheat) joined at a square center, thats hung in the home as a symbol of, , and blessings. Get the CONFIDENCE + SUPPORT you need to start healing yourself, friends & family (and even clients!) Compassionate and loving goddess Kuan Yin is absolutely a rose quartz goddess, isis as Lapis lazuli makes sense to me as well. This midnight blue gemstone symbolises the starry night sky and carries the mystical and intuitive properties of Isis. You can work with these goddess crystals in many ways depending on you and your spiritual practice or tradition. Maybe its just me, but I feel herbs are even more versatile than crystals. Hi Ethan! The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Crystal, if Shes visible, then Shes present. According to Scott Cunningham, burning crocus with alum in a censer will give you the identity of the thief who robbed you. I didnt think Id see him/her again, but it turned out (s)he lived in the hedge that bordered our garden. Also, with Athena being the Goddess of both War and Wisdom (a somewhat strange pairing if you ask me), perhaps Carnelian (which is ruled by Mars) and Amethyst (higher knowledge/wisdom/enlightenment)? They also match the fire festival's themes of light and energy. And also because it assists in healing old emotional wounds from past romances, allowing us to open up to new love just in time for Lupercalia (pagan Valentines Day). If you haven't rested enough, take the next few weeks to honor the cycle. Like many European deities, much of Brigids history has been lost through Christianization and cultural suppression. Work them into goddess rituals, crystal grids or combine them with other spiritual tools. Burning lavender is purifying and also brings joy, stress relief, and beauty. Shes also connected to cleansing (often represented by the witchs broom or besom), weaving and embroidery, and harmony. Gems and Metals Naturally, as the goddess of fire, Brigid is most often associated with gold. For Brigid as the Healer, Ive chosen Garnet for its deep red color related to the physical body and Pyrite because of its high Iron content which energetically supports the healing of the human body (it mirrors the high Iron content of human blood). She was said to have been born with light radiating out from around her and fed milk from a sacred cow as a baby. Oak. Quiz, Enter your details below to get your FREE Business Chakras eBook, Enter your details below to get your FREE Business Chakras Outline PDF, Enter your details below to get your FREE Successful Healer Poster Pack, Enter your details below to get your FREE How to Consistently Get Paying Clients eBook, Enter your details below to get your FREE Marketing for Healers Checklist, Enter your details below to get your FREE How to Run a Crystal Healing Session Like a Pro Video Series, Enter your details below to get your FREE Crystal Grids Template Pack, Enter your details below to get your FREE New Moon Intention Journal eBook, Enter your details below to get your FREE Crystal Bagua Map Chart, Enter your details below to get your FREE Crystal Grid Recipe for Your Sacred Space eBook, Enter your details below to get your FREE Zodiac Stone Elements Chart, Enter your details below to get your FREE Crystal ID Tips Reference Sheet, Enter your details below to get your FREE Cleansing Crystal Jewelry eBook, Enter your details below to get your FREE Crystal Fortune Teller eKit, Enter your details below to get your FREE Stone Casting Board, Enter your details below to get your FREE Crystal Energy Bath eBook, Enter your details below to get your FREE Connecting with Crystals Video Series (Sense, Intuit, Meditate), Enter your details below to get your FREE Magical Monster Repellent Vibrational Spray eBook, Enter your details below to get your FREE Quartz Formations Chart, Enter your details below to get your FREE Crystal Meditation for Peace, Enter your details below to get your FREE Citrine Money Manifesting Kit, Enter your details below to get your FREE Birthstone Meanings Chart, Enter your details below to get your FREE Custom Crystal Grid Recipe Quiz, Enter your details below to get your FREE Crystal Connection Type Quiz - Tips Sheets for Clairaudience, Clairvoyance, & Clairsentience, Enter your details below to get your FREE 7 Day Heart-Centered Marketing Challenge, Enter your details below to get your FREE 4-Part Sacred Business Video Series, Enter your details below to get your FREE 7 Day Crystal ID Challenge, Enter your details below to get your FREE Old Crystal Expert Summit Interviews, Enter your details below to get your FREE Animal Reflexology Charts eBook, Enter your details below to get your FREE Healing Crystals for Ancestor Connection eKit, Enter your details below to get your FREE Crystals for Beginners Videos Series (Connect, Identify, Use Every Day), Enter your details below to get your FREE 7 Day Crystal Affirmations Challenge, Enter your details below to get your FREE "Learn the Tarot" eBook, Enter your details below to get your FREE "Best Crystals for Supercharging Your Intuition" eBook, Enter your details below to get your FREE "Crystal Grid Recipe for Holiday Cheer" eBook, Enter your details below to get your FREE "Create a Seasonal Nature Altar with Crystals" eBook. Give us that energetic, fresh start. Shes also tied to: One of the best ways to work with Brigid is to acknowledge her on her day, Imbolc. Ancient healers and herbalists were keepers of great knowledge and wisdom. Connected to our solar plexus, sunstone aids in boosting our vitality, confidence and health. Brigid is widely associated with the Irish town Kildare (Church of the Oak) where today a cathedral stands with her name (Solas Bhride aka "The Light of Brigid"). Brigid is also known as Brigit or Brg (and sometimes spelled Brighid or Brid). 7 Crystals To Protect Your Home: Place At The Front Door! Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy 2023. Working with Athena: Offerings, Herbs, Crystals & More, Interesting Facts About Goddess Persephone, The High Priestess Tarot Card Meanings: Love, Reversed & More, 30 Witch Herbs & Their Magical Properties, Star Anise: Magical Properties, Benefits & Uses, Best Herbs For Banishing Negativity & Evil. Its also connected to the goddess Brigid, therefore making it an Imbolc herb. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". All themes that come up during the Imbolc sabbat. We can know our crystals, but each expert and lover of crystals gives a new spin on the stone.. Read reviews, compare customer ratings, see screenshots and learn more about Celtic Pagan - Celeste Wicca. These animals would cry out with warnings of protection if danger were near. She stands next to my Aphrodite statue on my altar with a ton of crystals. Traditionally, they may be dressed as brides and put in a small bed with a representation of male fertility. Brigids connection to the home extends far beyond fertility. I read about her not long ago, fascinating! Wear sunstone on Imbolc to brighten your day and amplify your rituals. Ancient healers and herbalists were keepers of great knowledge and wisdom. One sacred site was at Cill-dara (modern day Kildare), which means cell of the oak tree.. I love the goddess symbol but cannot find statues or stones in those shapes? Imbolc, pronounced eem-bolg (among a few other ways), is one of those sacred Celtic days particularly celebrated in Ireland and Scotland. Cornish granite has little magnesium and, in some places, little iron content; these are the two elements that can make Quartz go purple, so Amethyst from the county, which is where I live, is normally delicately coloured. i didnt tell them what happened, i just smiled didnt want them to lock me up cuz they thought i was loony. Sunstone The sunstone is associated with good fortune, energy, and light. Druids were known to meet in sacred Oak groves, a practice that carried on for centuries in ancient times. that she possessed two oxen (named Fe and Men), a boar (named Torc Triath), and a sheep (named Cirb). You may want to make a ritual of tending Brigids fire. Following the night of staying up with the Brigid doll, it is paraded around the town and thought to be a representation of the goddess. Hi Ethan Thanks for this great article. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Its said on each 20th day, the Goddess Brigid herself tends to the flame to keep the fire burning brightly. Its just a place to get you started, I encourage you to do your own research into these goddesses. Thank you for an extremely interesting and informative read. She offers the power of music and magick, prophecy and dreams. Apart from the identification of specific microcrystalline materials or organisms, synovial fluid characteristics in crystal-associated diseases are nonspecific, and synovial fluid can be inflammatory or noninflammatory. If I was religious, I think Epona would be the Goddess Id worship. Its this aspect that is responsible for Goddess Brigids connection to the strength and protection of warriors. @Karen, Im not a great expert on Hecate, but something is saying to me, Labradorite, Black Obsidian and Black Tourmaline. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. She was associated with the feast of Imbolc, which heralds the return of the warmth and light of Spring. When the pre-Christian goddess was converted to a Saint by the Catholic church, devotees to Goddess Brigid hung this woven cross in their homes as a secret way of worshipping her after Ireland became predominantly Catholic. Although I enjoy all the goddesses mentioned in the article and hold strong resonance with Isis and Kuan Yin, my strongest association and devotion is with Sophia from the ancient Judeo and early Christian traditions. In pre-Christian times, these wells were often decorated with flowers and greenery. Ill have to try the lavender amethyst sometime. Maybe you have a special oracle or Tarot deck that connects you with this goddess? Here Brigid is revered as a Muse who sparks inspiration in poetry and song. I have a jade carving of Kuan Yin that helped me tremendously when I worked on a hotline for survivors of domestic violence. P.S. Its origins are connected to the lambing season or calving period when animals would begin giving milk, and the beginning of spring sowing of the ancient Celts. You may also dream of her, or of performing one of her skills. i too feel religion is about control. According to Celtic myth, when Brigid was born at sunrise in the town of Faughart, she ascended into the sky along with the sun, and that rays of fire and light shone forth from her head in a tower of flame that reached up to the heavens. i think quan yin opened me up to working with them all so i really appreciate this article & associating the people with the crystals. The number 19 was sacred to Brigid because, according to the Book of Dunn Cow, it represents the 19-year cycle of the Great Celtic Year and the time it takes for the. even christianity seems to follow ancient sumerian fairly closely. And, interestingly, the name quartz comes from the Greek word krystallos which means ice. In Irish mythological cycles, Brighid (or Brighit), whose name is derived from the Celtic brig or "exalted one", is the daughter of the Dagda, and therefore one of the Tuatha de Dannan. As well as the Celtic sabbat Imbolc, also called Brigids Day. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. not sure if its common knowledge or not but peridot forms in lava rock so it makes sense for pele to have that stone association. i always associated her with lava rock rather than peridot, in fact i have a lava skull named pele. It is a high-vibing energy healer at a tie of year when many of us are just knocking off the Winter cobwebs, so to speak. Shes also connected with the water element (as shes strongly connected to natural springs and healing wells). Oak is connected to the goddess Brigid and therefore to Imbolc. Inspirit Crystals is a unique spiritual store where you will find gems, jewelry, statues, and other gifts with . You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. The priestesses and people gathered at this hillside to ask Brigid to bless and protect their cattle and crops for the coming seasons. Additionally, Brigids connection to cattle and livestock (and her protection of domesticated animals) comes from the. I adore both birds and horses; whats more surprising, they seem to love me too! It doesnt have to be large and fancy (especially if its in a working area). It is also useful to increase your confidence and belief in self . Sheep As stated earlier, early February is when sheep begin to lactate. Upon his death, Brigids grief was heard so far and wide that both sides left the battle, and instead of forging weapons, forged a lasting peace instead. Add Imbolc crystals and herbs to spell bottles, jars and bags, Encircle candle spells with crystals and herbs to amplify your intentions, Decorate the sabbat altar with crystals and herbs for the season and divinity, Use as offerings to deities like Brigid, elementals and Mother Earth, Weave herbs and add crystals to your Brigids crosses and Spring wreaths, Burn Imbolc herbs as incense and to purify your space, After taking out your linens on Imbolc Eve for Brigid to bless, put them away with a sachet of blessed Imbolc herbs and crystals, Add certain topically safe herbs and safe crystals to the ritual bath OR place near or around the tub, Make Imbolc tea with edible herbs like lavender and rosemary. Brigid was often associated with the sun and the flame, which is why Imbolc would often involve lighting candles and bonfires. Aventurine is one of our favorite Imbolc crystals for this reason. <3 Crystal Blessings, Your email address will not be published. Because of Brigids connection to healing and fertility, its said that flowers or shamrocks would spring up from the earth in her footsteps wherever she walked. Gold is a symbol of power and royalty, but it is also a symbol of generosity, compassion, and endurance. She could: Poetry, metal objects, and food offerings are particularly appropriate. The stable owner asked me to hold his head and keep him calm while she cleaned the mess off his hindquarters. Your information will *never* be shared or sold to a 3rd party. Meadowsweet is an herb in the rose family and is considered one of the traditional Imbolc herbs. Now thats actually nothing unusual horses wont hurt a human if they can help it but I didnt know that at the time, so it felt very special that they went to such trouble to avoid harming me. with my proven crystal healing session method.