[11], The existence of the White House taping system was first confirmed by Senate Committee staff member Donald Sanders, on July 13, 1973, in an interview with White House aide Alexander Butterfield. EMBED (for wordpress.com hosted . With that in mind I don't think it's reasonable to conclude Wayne called because he actually knew or believed without a doubt that Eric was involved. "At that same period where they're going to be burying these children, we're going to be having media trying to run through the exhibit hall, looking at kids fondling firearms, which is going to be a horrible, horrible, horrible juxtaposition," says NRA lobbyist Jim Baker on the conference call. Videos Of Eric and Dylan Before Columbine. I mean, why why are you giving money? Wiki Page: http://lostmediawiki.com/The_Basement_tapes_(lost_Columbine_killers_video_diary;_1999) She has generally been straight with me.". His staff created the impression of warm, sweet and nice to people, reads a lot of books, a philosopher and all that sort of thing. The camera then cuts to a shot later in the day, where the two are talking about their plan in greater detail, bragging about how many people they are going to kill. Years later, White House Chief of Staff Alexander Haig speculated that the erasures may conceivably have been caused by Nixon himself. [20] Haldeman's notes from the meeting show that among the topics of discussion were the arrests at the Watergate Hotel. Dylan is wearing a black baseball cap on backward, exposing a B embroidered in white on the back of the hat the Boston Red Sox logo. For more information, please see our Inside the Supreme Court ruling that made Nixon turn over his Watergate tapes In the short term, it was a disastrous calculation. A school bus in 1999 passes a billboard advertising the NRA's annual meeting in Denver, previously scheduled to take place just 10 days after the shooting at Columbine High School. Share to Pinterest. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Implement it, Nixon said, referring to a secret plan to expand government burglary and wiretapping. In December 1999, Time Magazine reporter Tim Roche was given access to five videotapes recorded by the murderers that investigators had discovered, outlining their motives and reciting a "kill list" of sorts, amongst other things. Press J to jump to the feed. "You know, the other problem is holding a member meeting without an exhibit hall. Its so strange to me that people rallied round Dylan, and against Eric the outsider. Jefferson County; 1. These home videos are what nightmares are made of and tragically, visual documentation of what Columbine High School mass murderers Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold would do on April 20, 1999. Guess it was a Prelude. Around the same time, leaders discussed how to respond to the shooting at Columbine High School in nearby Littleton, Colo. More than 20 years later, NPR has obtained secret recordings of those conversations. The dilemma they face is apparent in their conversations. Parties and banquets were planned even an appearance by a comedian. Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold documented their madness with journals and videos. Here is a quote from it. Here are some things the tapes have revealed so far. Is there anybody we ought to be talking to? For links, please explain why you think this is important, summarize or comment on it's content. That was a pure creation of mythology. ROBINSON: No, I'm talking about something concrete PR CONSULTANT TONY MAKRIS: Like a victims fund ROBINSON: Yeah, we create a victims fund, and we, uh, we give the victims a million dollars or something like that, uh. A 7-hour gap in Trump's calls evokes a missing spot on Nixon's tapes. Not to say anyone could guess the magnitude of what he was planning, but how many red flags did they miss or simply choose to ignore? [49] The facility now houses the tapes and periodically releases additional tapes to the public that are available online and in the public domain.[50][51]. "It will be a day that will be remembered forever."[p.337]. There, he says: "NOT IN THE COLUMBINE GUIDE: [.] By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Shortly afterward, Klebold takes the camera and aims it at Harris, who is now holding the guns. Called the Basement Tapes because each was filmed in a basement family room in the Harris house. They name some of the classmates they hope to murder. For example, Eric named 5 girls who never called him back and "Bill's" transcript contains 4 out of 5 of names. Cabinet Room Recordings: Tape #s 47 - 129. The NRA's public relations gurus weren't just worried about the propriety of the gun show, either. [12], On July 16, 1973, Butterfield told the committee in a televised hearing that Nixon had ordered a taping system installed in the White House to automatically record all conversations. An overview of the history of the "Basement Tapes," courtesy of acolumbinesite.com. Bloomsbury Publishing 2007.12.26 p.30, Advisory Panel on White House Tapes (1974) page 4, Advisory Panel on White House Tapes (1974) page 11, Advisory Panel on White House Tapes (1974) page 36, Advisory Panel on White House Tapes (1974) page 44, Advisory Panel on White House Tapes (1974) page iv, National Archives and Records Administration, Impeachment process against Richard Nixon, Master list of Nixon's political opponents, Committee for the Re-Election of the President, Presidential Recordings and Materials Preservation Act, "Secret Oval Office Recordings by Roosevelt in '40 Disclosed", "WashingtonPost.com: President Taped Talks, Phone Calls; Lawyer Ties Ehrlichman to Payments", "The Nixon Tapes: Secret Recordings from the White House", "The Untapped Secrets of the Nixon Tapes", "WashingtonPost.com: Court Battle Set as Nixon Defies Subpoenas", "President Refuses to Turn Over Tapes; Ervin Committee, Cox Issue Subpoenas", "WashingtonPost.com: Nixon Forces Firing of Cox; Richardson, Ruckelshaus Quit", "The Crisis: The Secretary and the Tapes Tangle", "Nixon nearly "blew my stack" over Watergate tape gap", "Rose Mary Woods Dies; Loyal Nixon Secretary", "Truth in a Lie: Forty Years After the 18 Minute Gap", "Cracking Watergate's Infamous 18 1/2 Minute Gap", "National Archives Has Given Up On Filling the Nixon Tape Gap", "National Archives Releases Forensic Report on H.R. All Rights Reserved. Twice a week we compile our most fascinating features and deliver them straight to you. https://lostmediawiki.com/index.php?title=The_Basement_Tapes_(partially_found_Columbine_killers_video_diary;_1999)&oldid=197604. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. ", Says Hammer: "If you pull down the exhibit hall, that's not going to leave anything for the media except the members meeting, and you're going to have the wackos with all kinds of crazy resolutions, with all kinds of, of dressing like a bunch of hillbillies and idiots. Is this inside the Harris home???? I want you to have that Fly CD. He takes a small drink and tries not to While playing the tape on a Uher 5000, she answered a phone call. [3], On February 16, 1971, a taping system was installed in two rooms in the White House, the Oval Office and the Cabinet Room. Cookie Notice His lower half cant be seen. This led to an exodus of some half a million members a number that has never been reported prior to now. The camera then cuts out and back into the two once again driving, revealing that they had just purchased two large fuel containers, as well as three propane bottles. The panel was supplied with the evidence tape, the seven tape recorders from the Oval Office and Executive Office Building and the two Uher 5000 recorders. I think we as citizens deserve to have an accurate record of presidential deliberations., However, Hughes notes that because secret taping has become a lot easier in the age of the smartphone, he wouldnt be surprised if we find out that there are other recordings of presidential conversations.. He created the plumbers, this illegal, unconstitutional secret police organization that he ran out of the White House to counteract the imaginary conspiracy against him.. NPR has taken steps to verify the tapes' authenticity, including by confirming the identities of those speaking on the tapes with two sources and comparing the voices on the calls with publicly available audio. I cant help it. Where can I learn more about that? HISTORY reviews and updates its content regularly to ensure it is complete and accurate. The tapes of the NRA discussions were recorded secretly by a participant and shared on the condition that the participant's name not be divulged. The tape then cuts in and out once again, to the two boys on March 18 "in the middle of the night." Did Dylan Commit Suicide . Has anyone seen anything else mentioning it? Share to Facebook. An NRA spokesperson called the story a "hit piece" and complained that the NRA was denied the tape. [21], Woods was asked to demonstrate the position in which she was sitting when the accident occurred. Harris tells Klebold to "say it now," prompting Klebold to begin giving a goodbye message to his friends and family. This is why I've always been more interested in hearing Eric's 'Nixon' tape than seeing/hearing the basement tapes. Lead Investigator Kate Battan told me there is nothing else significant on it. Ann Marrie Screaming Hysterically in Audio of 911 Call After Friend's Shooting. The final report, dated May 31, 1974, found that these other explanations did not contradict the original findings. If we have a fuc*ing religious war or oil or anything. He didn't get a lot of sleep last night, if any. "The fruitcakes are going to show up. Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre is on the line, as is longtime NRA lobbyist Marion Hammer and advertising strategist Angus McQueen, among others. . And in those private moments, the NRA considered a strikingly more sympathetic posture toward mass shootings than the uncompromising stance it has taken publicly in the decades since, even considering a $1 million fund to care for the victims. [45][46], The legal disputes would continue for 25 years, past Nixon's death in 1994. The President talks on the telephone, October 27, 1972. [30] The panel was subsequently asked by the court to consider alternative explanations that had emerged during the hearings. "I got to tell you, we got to think this thing through, because if we tuck tail and run, we're going to be accepting responsibility for what happened out there," says NRA official Jim Land. see full image 1 / 3 This also makes me wonder if Wayne Harris saw the tape on the kitchen table before he made the 911 call or if he even noticed it before the police obtained it. Dylan adds that they can have his things as well. The content of the three tapes is disturbing, shocking even. We still don't have a specific transcript for what Eric recorded the morning of the massacre, but the transcript noted that morning message was only a few moments long. "[23], A variety of suggestions have been made as to who could have erased the tape. It kinda sheds some new light on what his parent's might've thought about his mental state. and our He had a few reflections to add to his audio memoirs. 3 By Samuel W. Rushay, Jr. "The dirty secret of this day and age is that political gain and media ratings all too often bloom on fresh graves. As such, this tape is not considered a part of the "Basement Tapes" by many people (it has been included here for reference reasons, and due to the fact that it is counted by authorities as part of evidence item #298).[4]. [3] Nixon was not the first president to record his White House conversations; President Franklin D. Roosevelt recorded Oval Office press conferences for a short period in 1940. This is the first segment of the tapes to be opened, other than the twelve and a half hours of recordings that were entered into evidence in U.S. v. Connally and U.S. v. Mitchell, et al. They want us to play the heavy in their drama of packaged grief. There were no classified documents at all at Brookings, said Morton Halperin, a former Brookings employee, in a 1997 Washington Post article. These little brown people, so far away, he continued, we dont know them very well, naturally you would say., WATCH: Watergate: The Miniseries on HISTORY Vault. and our Lead Investigator Kate Battan told me there is nothing else significant on it.