independent fundamental baptist preachers

We deserve judgment and Hell. I was wanting to know if there is anybody who could tell me of some good IFB preachers to try to find to listen to, I like to listen to people like,, (You must log in or sign up to post here. Discussion in '2006 Archive' started by jch-singer, Jul 10, 2006. Jehovahs Witness: satanic., Bruce Mejia, Faithful Word Baptist Church Los Angeles (El Monte, CA), November 2018: Those who love every religion are not learning the precepts of GodIm talking about this attitude, this ecumenical, kumbaya Christianity, where if someone names the name of Christ and theyre automatically in the club. Alistair Begg Begg has been senior pastor at Parkside Church in Cleveland since 1983. Our Supporting Partners have received a total of 11,387,875 banner ads as a part of their benefit! God aint taking any credit for the bad shit. That is what He says. Deported, another anti-LGBTQ film, documents Andersons trip to Botswana and South Africa in 2016, including him being banned and deported for promoting anti-LGBTQ hate speech. Great time has been devoted to standardize the sermon file names and id3 tags while providingthe best audio quality possible. It mistakes love your neighbor as yourself for make your neighbor behave as your do, which is something else altogether. Its as if God is trying to pound the preachers words into their heads. The number one hate for the Independent Baptist? Sin is embraced instead of denounced and Holiness is decried. It is not always pretty, but it is honest and authentic. Being a good member of the church family requires conformity to the pastors (I mean Gods) dictates. Copyright 2023 The Life and Times of Bruce Gerencser Powered by Flywheel. Like their documentaries, conferences are another channel through which some New IFB pastors collaborate and spread their bigoted beliefs. A few years earlier, we were members of an IFB church in Okinawa, Japan. In their heart they know the truth and theyre evil. JustChurchJobs. Thats the image of human sacrifice. and on and on and on . Free Baptist Sermons From 2 Timothy 2:20-26. But no, I do understand. Honesty and integrity are the backbone and the bedrock of all that we do, Smith wrote for the 84-year-old publication, founded by the late fundamentalist evangelist John R. Rice. 2012: Locke spends four days and three nights in a scissors . If the pastor hates something, you better hate it. "What We Are About! He is also the Bible teacher on the radio and online program "Truth For Life." A member of the council of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals, Begg has written numerous books. Independent Baptist churches are starting to look more worldly and non-denominational, rather than keeping their identity. The independent Baptist crowd has many thousands of good men in positions of leadership, Smith said to CT. When anyone of them commits an immoral and/or illegal act, it hurts all the rest. We encourage you to watch these and learn why its important to find a bible believing church. I wouldn't walk across the street to hear Jack Shaap preach. The IFBF is a fellowship of pastors, churches and people who share the common goal of engaging in fellowship to advance the cause of Christ. I could not imagine saddling her with a thought so heinous. The Senior Pastor is to serve as the primary teacher/preacher for the . Multiple New IFB pastors have promoted Make America Straight Again conferences in recent years. My guess is that as smoking is now more generally associated with those at the less fortunate end of the social scale, which is where, presumably, most evangelicals and Baptists are (Im guessing) that many fundamentalists must have this conflict. Sometimes no argument is warranted because nothing can penetrate the different mindset. Anderson and other pastors organize soul-winning marathons, during which they travel to other cities, states or countries to evangelize to different populations. It makes me sickTheyre desecrating my Saviour, and Im supposed to love that religion? Your comments are welcome and appreciated. They do real, measurable damage to real people in the real world. It took decades to get out, but life, simply life, is deeply and wonderfully satisfying without that list. Apple Podcasts Google PodcastsSpotify StitcherOvercastTuneinRSS Feed, Voices of Yesteryear (alphabetical by last name),,,, Things to Die and Fight for Dr. Curtis Hutson, God, or John? They are also committed to growing their movement through in-person soul-winning, which includes traveling around the country and the world to preach their interpretation of the Bible. I do my best to help support those who come out of this world that makes Orwells 1984 world look like a theme park. I consider it a great honor to share some of my own material. Despite the lack of formal denominational ties or hierarchy, the Star-Telegram described systemic, widespread abuse in independent fundamental Baptist churches, noting Bible college networks and pastor friendships tie leaders together. Jesus gave His life so people could come together and serve Him as a church, a local assembly of believers. Select worship style . News Center, Fundamental Christian These leaders and their institutionsHyles-Anderson College and Bob Jones Universityhave come to represent a loose subset of independent Baptists sometimes referred to with capitals or an acronym: Independent Fundamentalist Baptists (IFB). Independent Fundamental Baptist Churches In Canada As your servant you may contact me at the address below if you'd like to freely list your Independent Fundamental Baptist Church in Canada on this website, or have it removed, or if you'd like to update the information. We believe they should be put to death. We hope it will be a blessing to you. I noticed Feminism was missing from your things to hate list. This means that IFB churches do not look to creeds, confessions, or church councils to determine their doctrinal positions. The AFBF is a loosely organized group of Baptist preachers contributing into a monthly fund that is used to support new church planting in Arkansas. Oh and Bruce you missed one: Obama. Many New IFB pastors do not make any effort to hide their bigotry. 16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. 794 - searching for full time sr. pastor in halifax pa - 07/10/2021. Racist, bigoted, antisemitic comment deleted. The Bible says IFB believers are to deny themselves, take up their crosses, and follow Jesus. Because if you executed the homos like God recommends, you wouldn't have all this AIDS running rampant., Dillon Awes, Shield of Faith Baptist Church (Boise, ID), September 2019: Theres nothing more disgusting and wicked and vile than a homosexualI cannot fathom anything more disgusting than being a sodomite. To preach His Word, make disciples, grow His kingdom, and worship Him. I wonder how much of that 140 millions of dollars really reach mission. Feel free to add your own additions to the Independent Fundamentalist Baptist Rule Book. Brian, hopefully you have read the comment rules. As Smith noted in his article in May, incidents of alleged moral turpitude span Christian traditions. "Preach The Word". With regards to what Jim said in 2015, a lot of Christians are bewildered at, and bitter towards God or Jesus or both. You know what? They hate themselves. Its the same Devil thats behind Roman Catholicism and Eastern mysticismThese are seducing spirits. When you think of it, even getting married was a sign of human weakness, wasnt it You should have given up your attachments, your touchy-feel-y needs, your worry about lunch and dinner! We wouldnt want humans taking credit for anything, right? An extensive digital strategy allows New IFB pastors to reach millions of people online, despite attempts by tech companies to deplatform New IFB-affiliated channels for hate speech violations. Here are some of the theological identity markers of Reformed Baptist churches. If it happens, it must be dealt with scripturally and legally. Bruce Gerencser, 65, lives in rural Northwest Ohio with his wife of 44 years. Because if you try to believe both, youre either going to have to perform major mental gymnastics to find those parts of the world that God loved and separate them from what John said you must not love, or your head is going to explode. Then poof the thrill is gone, along with the dread. The site says it has 13,000 subscribers. Theyre so excited we have Kamala Harris and we have these other women who are just in charge and leading and its such a good example unto women. Bruce left the ministry in 2005, and in 2008 he left Christianity. Eastover, NC 28312. In all, 168 leadersincluding some of the most prominent pastors among the groups thousands of US congregationsfaced abuse accusations over incidents spanning from the 1970s to present-day. All of them. Im supposed to honor that religion? Im gonna stump him with these verses. No. ). Theyre even celebrating Lent. I am referring to the hate list, the Eastern Orthodox churches arent on the IFB hate list. When the apostles, the first members of the first church, and others went out preaching the Gospel and establishing other churches, this authority was transferred to them. I hope that God breaks her teeth out, she dies. The pastor is Darren Rogers. In an antisemitic documentary released by Anderson and Wittenberger in 2015, titled Marching to Zion, Anderson purports to describe the history of the Jewish religion and the evolution of Jewish beliefs. Bit by bit I am finding out who I really am. The flesh and blood Bruce Gerencser who spent a lifetime in the Evangelical church is dead. And so, we need to follow the teachings of the Bible and understand that Christianity is the true religion and that all of these other religions are false and they are demonic., Roger Jimenez, Verity Baptist Church (Sacramento, CA), March 2019: The Synagogue of Satan, of course, thats a reference to the antichrist religion of Judaism and the Jews today. I hate those that blaspheme his name., Steven Anderson, Faithful Word Baptist Church (Tempe, AZ), February 2013: Today we have womens rightsWhat do you think they mean when they say womens rights?The right to rebel and disobey your husband, the right to divorce him, the right to go out and get a job and make your own money, the right to tell him what to do, the right to go vote for our leadersas if women should have any say in how our country is run., Grayson Fritts, All Scripture Baptist Church (Knoxville, TN), April 2018: Very early on it is drilled in little girls heads that theyre equal with boys: you can do anything that you want to do, youre just as good as a boy, you can do things better than a boy. They have their gender identity blurred from birthGod wants women to get married, to have children, and to guide the house. I would rather be strangled to death. Add your site FREE today! The argument of sigh is the argument of a hateful little child. We used to proclaim "JESUS is LORD," but now we say "Pastor is Lord!" Now for you real men that care for your flocks, and manage your churches according to the New Testament, I thank God for you, and I am . Jesus, the eternal, sinless son of God, came to earth, died on the cross, and rose again from the dead three days later, so we could have our sins forgiven and go to Heaven when we die. For all their talk about salvation by grace, IFB preachers preach a works gospel. Additionally, many independent Baptist fundamentalists practice second-degree separatism, distancing themselves not only from the world but also from fellow Christians who do not share their fundamentalist beliefs, noted Messiah College historian John Fea, who researched 20th-century Protestant fundamentalism in America. For the most part Independent Baptists are very committed to sound Baptist doctrine. If one can use facts to finally disprove the Bible to the point that it loses its hold on you, at least the above pressures are removed. So God appointed Obama? They make a mockery of God and His works, and make merchandise of His people. The clip showed Fannin preaching from the Stedfast Baptist pulpit: [Silverman] is a witch. From my distant teens, I recall using lipstick and eye make up ensured you a special place in hell. Such beliefs remind me of that wonderful line in Auntie MameLife is a banquet, and most poor suckers are starving to death!, Back in my IFB preacher days, I would have quoted you I John 2:15-17. Hate is an emotion, at least the way most people conceive of it. In addition to online platforms, Anderson also distributes CDs, DVDs and USB flash drives of his sermons, including handing out these materials during soul-winning activities and sending them to his associates for distribution in foreign countries. Have you not considered that it might be the response of a man who has heard it all before, many, many times, thought it over carefully, and rejected it? Grace Baptist Church Size: Small church 2672 W Edison Place Citrus Springs, FL. *rolls eyes, sighs, wonders for a moment why god is always looking for them when they arent hiding. It upheld what it believed to be. Also, hes banned from entering a whole bunch (33?)