beyonder powers and abilities

Strange. Amazing Fantasy #15 (Spider-Man's First Appearance), Tales of Suspense #39 (Iron Man's First Appearance), Incredible Hulk #181 (Wolverine's First Appearance), Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z, A universe created by the other Beyonders to incubate their young, 14 appearance(s) in handbook(s) of Beyonder (Earth-616), 36 minor appearance(s) of Beyonder (Earth-616), 13 mention(s) in handbook(s) of Beyonder (Earth-616), 13 quotation(s) by or about Beyonder (Earth-616). After the Beyonder transported the heroes to Battleworld during the original Secret Wars, Xavier apparently toyed with the idea of shutting off the minds of all the assembled heroes and villains on Battleworld, save for his Illuminati team mate, Reed Richards, a.k.a. Ben points out the machine Spider-Man used to bring the heros to this world, and Doom uses this device to teleport. Contents 1 Biography 2 Background 2.1 In the Comics 3 External Links Biography In one reality, there are two Spider-Men. This happened through a somewhat disastrous path. Even though Strange had seen so many mysteries and beings of power, and had "stood unafraid before Eternity himself," he recoiled at the sight of the Beyonder's true nature and power. As they died, Moondragon left a psychic message with the others, saying that perhaps this result was the Beyonder's intent all along--that he knew they could only truly defeat the Dragon by forcing them to take this extra measure. Thankfully, with an upcoming Marvel Comic run slated for June, The Beyonder is ready to reintroduce himself to readers. This extra degree of mortality appears to be what turned her insane. However, the Thing found out, and insisted that the Beyonder be allowed to join, and that they wrestle as soon as possible: he wanted revenge for what happened to him on Battleworld. While the Beyonder's legacy is forever tied to Secret Wars, there are a few key issues that expand--and challenge--his character, as well. Kosmos takes on a female form and is tutored by Kubik, touring the universe with him. Now he appeared in front of a department store window, and transferred a blue suit from a mannequin to himself. The Beyonder then teleports Spider-Man to the planet and introduces him to a device that will allow him to transport a small quantity of Earth's heros to the planet. Moonstar was the only one left. She expanded her power across the universe, binding with all that she was going to destroy, and realized that each individual life had infinite worth, and that she had no right to take that away. Still cocky, the Beyonder tried to defeat Protege, but Protege's powers continued to grow until it was more than the Beyonder could handle. The Beyonder told him his story, and Vinnie, believing him, sensed a business opportunity in his apparent lack of understanding of our world. All of the religions therein were warped around him and he was the center of it all. The Beyonder, however, simply teleported Fireheart to Japan. This is also a bit odd in relation to the Beyonder's various origins. Dr. Doom tricked the Fantastic Four into transporting him to the Negative Zone, and from there to the Beyond-realm. The Beyonder then explained that his only intention was to do good, and that to him, nothing was impossible to accomplish. Omnipotent and coming from another universe, he stuck around for a bit, which often meant cosmic-scale trouble. If Doom truly had Beyonder's power all the heros would have been wiped out with a mere thought. The Beyonder's unlimited power and his drive to experience desire like a human were a dangerous combination, which prompted the Molecule Man to take advantage of a moment of weakness and destroy the Beyonder's physical form, releasing his energy into another universe. The creator of the character, Jim Shooter, on the topic of the character, says "We introduced the Beyonder was studying these beings, us, that he had discovered." To study the effects of the desire for revenge, the Beyonder transformed Thor's enemy, the Dark Elf Algrim into the powerful menace Kurse. They eventually find the Fantastic Three? The Beyonder knew it was all a magical illusion, however, and was able to reclaim his power again. The Molecule Man made a force field around Denver, hoping to protect them, but the Beyonder happened by and laughed as he effortlessly shattered the dome. She did not put up a fight, and Oracle shut down her mind. The Shaper developed from a Cube made by Skrull scientists. However, when they opened the door, they ignored her and tried to attack the Beyonder. Fantastic was unable to register the Beyonder's presence through his sensors, but Professor X could. Nonetheless, the Beyonder retained his reality-warping powers, allowing him to control and manipulate matter, energy, and reality at a cosmic level beyond all but the strongest and most powerful of cosmic entities. For unknown to the others, the energy he had sent out of our world went back to the Beyond-realm, where it cooled like our own Big Bang. Saddened, and still hesitant, the Beyonder finally complied with the Illuminatis wishes and left Ceres, his corporeal form turning to dust. The Beyonder was the all-powerful instigator of the Secret Wars, a 1984 all-star extravaganza that pulled Marvel Comics from a tough financial spot. Unfortunately, the Lizard's primal instincts kick in, and Doom is assaulted. This gave the Beyonder a new idea--a way in which he could fulfill his role as a champion of life in a way that no one else could ever achieve. The Beyonder brought her, and then later the Power children, to a hospital. He teleported himself to the offices of Heroes for Hire and upon finding that Power Man and Iron Fist were not there he brought them forward through time to see him. The arrival of a handful of other survivors who recalled the truth shattered this illusion. In another example, he went to the Microverse. [34] The two sentient Cosmic Cubes took the new Cube, which would become sentient itself and the entity known as Kosmos. He tried again to convince her to love him (when the ring didn't spark her interest, he just tossed it away). The character was retconned into a less powerful character, a self-aware Cosmic Cube inhabiting his own "dimension" because there was no matrix to hold his energy, with the explanation that other more powerful beings had exercised their powers on the Beyonder's behalf to ease his transition into self-awareness. Sphinx quotes: "He who questions training only trains himself at asking questions." The Beyonder accepts. Doom uses his powers to force Spider-Man and the heros against a wall. He reached inside her, and pulled out her Darkchilde persona for the first time. A great light then shone out of a hole in space, and infamously said, "I am from Beyond! He lifted them into the sky and looked through their minds, but couldn't find anything, so he just dropped them to their deaths. Omnipotence: The Beyonders omnipotence have been shown to kill a non-corporeal entity who can only be killed by God itself which who the Living Tribunal.They were also able to create, warp, and destroy . This was surprising, since the Beyonder had chosen to appear in a male form. The Beyonder first became aware of our universe when the Molecule Man gained his powers through an atomic accident. [18], In order to combat Beyonder, Mephisto sent his demon agent Bitterhorn to form the Legion Accursed where he managed to get 99 villains together upon shaking their hand. He insists than Ben must take him to this lab. Why can't you see that I'm better than you? Powers and Abilities; Character Bios. [12], The Defenders encountered the Beyonders when they went outside the Multiverse. Cage was still angry, but Rand calmed him down, and Cage eventually went on to explain more about the importance of time and money. Much like the original Secret Wars, the last man standing would receive his greatest desires. When he appeared to see her, however, she placed a time bomb on him and ran away. She was apparently completely unsurprised to see him use his powers, and because of her lifetime of hard experience began to tell him many of the hard truths about the world. He killed Karma by reflecting her power back at her. Therefore, the Beyonder and Molecule Man both got their powers from the same energy; the Beyonder got the majority of it, and the Molecule Man got a smaller portion. The fact that this story takes place before Secret Wars II is also interesting because all the events the Beyonder "recreates" on his false Manhattan are then from his future. He created a machine called Beyondersbane to kill the Beyonder. Now fully-grown, he lived with his fellow Beyonders in the Beyond,[1] until he escaped the House of Ideas. Then he decided to show off, and started a fight with them. The Illuminati then went through several imaginary situations reflecting what would happen if their inner desires came true. While his legacy has faded, The Beyonder still demands respect from readers. He went on to Toots, who was the same as Vinnie at first. This doesn't mean that a higher class would always beat a lower class character. The an event,which we will discover later,opened a hole into our universe,and he saw Earth. The Beyonder sensed him on his ocean base; he was there as part of a SHIELD mission to destroy it, but is now unsure if it's the right thing to do. This edit will also create new pages on Comic Vine for: Until you earn 1000 points all your submissions need to be vetted by other The Puma visited his old sensei, Muramoto, while in Japan, and to his shock the Beyonder was there too--and he was friendly with Muramoto! Unlike his creators who were content to observe, The Beyonder seeks to fulfill his desires and discover his purpose. Set before Secret Wars II #9, The story forces The Beyonder to reconsider his thoughts on life, death, and human existence. The Molecule Man and the assembled costumed heroes then attacked the Beyonder in his sanctum, but he defeated them all. Douglas was still weak, and the Dragon tried to prey on her mind and thus recombine them. The others were finally able to convince Magik that the Beyonder's gift wasn't right, that it took away their individuality and free thought. Klaw then went out to fight the heroes. Inspired by the Thing's heroism, the Beyonder decided to inspire others in turn to find their true role in life. Then he went through himself. Or at least so Mephisto hoped; even with all this power, he wasn't sure it could kill the Beyonder. [1], The Beyonder encountered the Defenders in their journey into the "Mystery" beyond the Far Shore, outside the Multiverse. Along with his reality altering powers.This version is Nigh-Omnipotent. Iron Man's suit later ran out of power, the Lizard states he can fix this within one hour. (Whether or not Black Bolt actually remembered him, or just didn't want to talk about it, is somewhat ambiguous. Beyonder appears in 272 issues. They normally had low levels of power, but those powers became amped as they got near her. Believing that he must take what seemed to him the only chance he might have to save the multiverse from being destroyed by the Beyonder eventually, the Molecule Man destroyed the machine, thereby killing the infant within. They were not above manipulation of beings that they saw as being "below" them: at one point the two of them created a moon-sized space station and ran the Fantastic Four through a series of exercises like lab rats. Here is an explantion of the Beyonder's powers and power shifts as a result of the rectonned storylines. on 10/17/22 Dr Strange pointed out that there were no signs of true life force aura in proximity, indicating that those heroes were creations of the Beyonder himself, and that no matter how accurate they appeared to be, his designs lacked true free will and human spirit. Angry at Kurse, Power Pack dropped a building on him. He realized that he was still far too attached to our world. The Beyonder intentionally limited his power to that of a "normal" super hero, and enjoyed the complexity and pressure of battle. It does also give some more background to the Beyonders (plural), which had existed in the past but had little explanation. Hence the Beyonder's energy caused the creation of a new universe. The question for him now was, should he tell the Beyonder? Hercules tried to put him in a wrestling hold, but the Beyonder knocked him clean out of the mountain. He then went to Avengers Mansion to talk to the Avengers, but Jarvis told him they were in space. Mephisto, observing, was at wit's end, and tried to come up with a plan, but the Beyonder suddenly appeared in his realm so he could destroy it as well. When Rachel tried to mindlink them all, he unwittingly set off a trap set by some anti-mutant students, which badly hurt the three X-Men. However, just as Galactus destroyed Taa II, Dr. Doom was able to steal the resulting energy and possess it for himself. Her mind was opened to his infinity and majesty, which she felt must be like her mother's experience as Dark Phoenix. The Beyonder First Appeared In Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars #1 By Writer Jim Shooter, Penciler Michael Zeck, Inker John Beatty, Colorist Christie Scheele, And Letterer Joe Rosen These eyes take the form of the Beyonder. The Beyonder, once again sensing the possibility for an experiment, turned Cadwell into Thundersword. Strange had once done himself, thus proving that the Beyonder, like Strange, had some goodness still inside him. And if that didn't work, she had a backup plan. Reece was annoyed, and didn't want to talk to Uatu, but Marsha did. The Beyonder was not exactly excited to hear this, given his monumental ego, and argued vociferously against them, but in the end saw that it was true. The Beyonder is a cosmic entity of immense power. From his first appearance as a celestial being to his transition into human form, The Beyonder has starred in some of the most existential and exciting stories Marvel has ever told. [14] Later, he gave himself human form to experience the Marvel Universe. They were both sentient Cosmic Cubes--Cosmic Cubes that had evolved into having self-awareness and personalities. The Beyonder was sponsoring a cult of Cosmic Oneness, and the Puma believed that its director, Barry Foxxe, was the Beyonder. The Beyonder, after sitting and thinking, decided he had been wrong, and went to their apartment to apologize. [39], Under unrevealed circumstances, Kosmos left Kubik, went mad, turned herself into a mortal called the "Maker," and obliviously slaughtered 64,000 colonists of a Shi'ar agrarian settlement. In his quest for answers, The Beyonder commits to become fully human, yet, there is a catch: The Beyonder will retain his immortality and celestial powers while on Earth. While there an army of superhuman criminals assembled by Mephisto attacked him, but he was saved by the Thing. The One Above All, The Living Tribunal, The Beyonder(s), and Emperor God Doom are more powerful than the Infinity Gauntlet. Fictional character biography. After observing humans, and ultimately interacting with them, the Beyonder still did not feel fulfilled. And yet the Beyonder was once again unhurt. Strange found out what happened, and found him in a bar--one of the very ones he himself used to drink at after he had his accident and could no longer do surgery. [27], This revelation leads to a confrontation with the Beyonder during the events of the second Secret War, wherein Black Bolt expresses his extreme displeasure toward the Beyonder's activities. He then sent Doom and Klaw away, and disappeared himself, never to reappear again in this story. It should be noted that of course alcohol could only affect him if he wanted to let it. However, it was finally the Beyonder's friend and inspiration, Owen Reece, who let go a lethal bolt of energy, killing the baby. Back in New York, Puma once again found Peter Parker and tried to enroll him in his quest to kill the Beyonder. The other heroes, who didn't see exactly what happened, thought the Beyonder had done something to them, and Wolverine attacked, slashing his face and torso. As all of reality was being destroyed, the trickster Loki uses magic to both exit reality and safely contain the essence of his fellow Asgardians. He was also one of the only beings who bridged both the world of mortals and cosmic beings. Still he could not find Havok. He came back to Earth, found her trying to hitch a ride, and picked her up. Marvel had two God's, then changed to the One Above All as one God. The Beyonder, who seemed somewhat amnesiatic or deluded, referred to himself as being more powerful than anyone else in existence, thus implying that in this persona, he did not remember, or did not fully process, the events of the Cosmic Cube retcon. The cosmic forces just couldn't understand why this new goal was so important. Stripped of their power, Kubik and Kosmos would not exist, while Reece would still exist. After the events of Dr. [22] When the Molecule Man's lover Volcana leaves him, he becomes angry, extracts the Beyonder from Kosmos, and proceeds to attack him until Kubik intervenes. Powers and abilities The Beyonders have been witnessed killing all of the Celestials in the Marvel multiverse at the same time, destroying abstract entities. Ultimately, the superior symbiote will depend on the situation. The Beyonder showed up and destroyed the base himself, complaining that the humans fear everyone more powerful than themselves, and saying that they're all paranoid. (It is unclear why Kubik did not help her.) It is possible for the Beyonder to be weakened, albeit by performing such a great feat as destroying a fundamental force of the universe such as Death. He was glad that she made him realize he wasn't ready to take the easy way out and quit like her friends had. Strange found them and said that Summers was the key to saving them from the Beyonder. He was now the gateway between all realities, and if the Beyonder got hold of him, h would have access to the Nexus. Whether you are a die-hard fan of Secret Wars or a new reader hoping to catch up for the MCU's next big event, this guide will help you explore The Beyonder's rich legacy in Marvel Comics. Chapter 3 "Doom" Spider-Man and the Lizard walking through a desert and are on their way to the kingdom of Doctor Victor Von Doom; they had been given coordinates by the Fantastic Four as to where they will all meet. She alerted the Avengers as to his threat, and they in turn informed other superhuman champions. In one of his first attempts to help others, he became curious about an incident in which a child killed himself by setting himself aflame, trying to be like the Human Torch. Then several of Earth's heroes found him and attacked. It told her the Beyonder could give her that power. in: Character. However, there was one more appearance of the classic-looking male Beyonder after he turned into the female Kosmos. The inhabitatants have worked hard to eliminate diseases and famine. Which Secret Wars Should The MCU Adapt for Film? He was interested in the offer, but felt that there was too much else to experience in the universe, so he left again. This was the first appearance of Boom Boom. On the other hand, the Black Knight's Ebony Blade, and Magik's Soul Sword, which normally can cut through magic, had no effect on him at all. Beyonder displayed the ability to control others without them knowing it even while being absorbed. He went to talk to Vinnie about it, but all he could do, now that he was controlled, was offer platitudes of obeisance. He then wanted know the reason of the Illuminatis visit, and even directed his questions to his King, stating that his highly destructive voice would not cause anyone harm if he used it, due to his own powers containing it. The Beyonder once again said he desired to understand, and the petulant Cadwell filled him in on his cynical and anti-Hollywood ideology. The other X-Men, some willingly, some possibly under her psychic influence, and some unwillingly, joined their life forces to hers. [39] He also lost part, or all, of his power on various occasions, some of them engineered by himself. However, the Watcher suddenly came to talk to him. Demons from Limbo attacked. She was placed in stasis at the Kyln and kept alive so the Beyonder could not escape. The Beyonder had been drinking, and Strange could have possibly zapped him away in a pocket dimension and kept him drunk and out of everyone's way, but instead he had acted as a role model, showing how the Beyonder could be a champion of life like Strange. Philosophical, maniacal, and deadly, The Beyonder pushes the term 'over-powered' to a whole new level. He stood in space, thinking. The Beyonder, meanwhile, was just trying to think through his problems. The Beyonder decided to come to earth and spend time among us. However, the immediate effect was that Galactus sensed the Beyonder's power, and desired it, for he could tell that it would be able to take away his hunger to destroy worlds. The Beyonder then left after using Parker's toilet. Thanos instructs the Shi'ar that the body should be kept alive but brain-dead, or the Beyonder essence would go free again. Hence, each sentient being on Earth was, in the Beyonder's unique point of view, inherently "incomplete" and thereby [he assumed] must strive to find some way to remedy its incompleteness. [40], The Kyln was later attacked and destroyed by the Annihilation Wave. Much earlier, he had created the Darkchilde aspect of her self; now he decided to take all the evil out of her, and leave only purity.