russian knitting symbols

I just dont understand it. Do you mean to add the stitch before or after the box? Knitting Instructions. What do I do? Thank Youyour site is just amazing. Mary Dennis May 13, 2020 @ What do I do when I finish a marked stitch section and then hit this large blank section, then the stitch pattern continues about an inch later, etc? Thanks Gloria, alexaludeman On the next round. Hello, I think I might be the only person in the world that is having a problem with the lace pattern in Love Notes. So for round 2 is it K1 (main color), K1 (contrast color), K1 (main color) and then on to chart c? uncommon Unicode symbols, follow the instructions below. Or does the chart fit with the number of sts you have? Thank you so much. November 22, 2017 @ Emily Wessel 4:33 am. I am working a cable pattern that starts row 1 ws on left side of chart. March 29, 2018 @ Should it divide evenly, or ? alexaludeman Strikkesymboler. Nancy Kennedy Emily Wessel Jen 9:30 am. Then last section of stitches. Always refer to the pattern key for variations in the knit symbols. Thank you. I am knitting the antler mittens pattern. 12:11 am, Maggie Petit This appears in the pattern repeat. Bev Tuttle How do I know for sure? July 29, 2017 @ So does that mean the blank boxes are skipped and I just move to the next symbol to work on the next stitch on my needle? I would like to know how many times do I have to repeat the chart.Thanks. Sue p2, k3 10:17 am, Hi, Im working on the Edith Shawl Novita Venla, I was fine when I read, Keep working 3 sts at both ends in garter st. Work 2 sts at the right end of the cable section following row 1 of chart I (= 2sts + 1st) and the other sts following row 1 of chart II where I hit a wall was with the instructions that came after work rows 2-60 of chart I. Im unsure how to go about increasing and working in the chart pattern at the same time. Begin in the 2nd stitch from the hook > 2 . Thanks, Emily Wessel Thanks so much for the fantastic tutorial. The check mark isnt anywhere in the symbol list, and none of the other charts have it. February 14, 2018 @ This is a collection of knitting terms from various languages. Hello there! Purl on WS alexaludeman Hi Lori No matter what else is happening in the mitten you are always working the next charted row, does that help? is the "slip one at beginning of row" type edge stitch, I think. Knit the stitch that was slipped in the previous row together wth its yarn over. (All worked stitches are worked, all slipped stitches are slipped again). Discover is a registered trademark of Craft Yarn Council. So ignore the white boxes and work an ssk for the first charted stitch and a k2tog for the last charted stitch, Viv Hi. Cable 6 back: slip next 3 sts to cable needle and hold in back of work, K3, then K3 from cable needle. I had no problem with the increases in set-up row. Aideen O'Kane July 3, 2016 @ I am 36 stitches short after row 22. Melissa November 9, 2016 @ Thanks for the time. 12:16 pm. Julia Includes more complex stitch patterns, using a combination of stitches. Hello, how are you? I a left handed; I knit with my left hand, taking stitches off my right needle to my left needle. April 18, 2021 @ Russian knitting symbol. 5:10 am. 1:06 am. Hilda Dockrill Knit one Also, the square beside M is that the new stitch you just made? I am working on the glass utterly hat by Kate gagnon Osborn in the book Weekend Hats. The chart box for the pattern is a 28-stitch repeat by 37 rows. Kathryn alexaludeman January 19, 2018 @ I have found others. April 25, 2019 @ Or continue with what is in [ ]? 12:47 pm. Of course, there are increases, so now there are 11 sts outside the rpt. So if the stitch repeat is 10 stitches, and there are 4 stitches for the foundation cast on will be 18 stitches plus multiples of 10 to the width I want. Knitting Machine. Thank you! 9:20 am. Laura I may have just answered my own question but Id like to have confirmed, Alexa Ludeman November 10, 2021 @ What am I missing? Wilhelmien Each chart will have its own key with instructions on how to work each symbol, Jessica Henderson November 22, 2018 @ I cannot address the designer as the pattern is not from Ravelry but from a book, so I hope you can help me out! Do you mind dropping us an email with your specific pattern question? March 1, 2021 @ September 27, 2017 @ w&t: wrap and turn. April 5, 2021 @ 2:19 pm. They are all great first Fair Isle. If there is a symbol it SHOULD be in the notes or symbol list, Sheila The blank spaces part has thrown me for a loop, I'm guessing it's just there so it's not empty? 2:09 pm. Emily Wessel Johanna alexaludeman Hi, hope you can help me out, trying to knit the Top Down Raglan Summer Lace Cardigan & am having a dickens of a time trying to figure it out. No cabling in the even rounds!!! Pull the yarn through and slip the original stitch off the tip of the left needle. 1:45 pm, Im trying to learn charting. Thanks ~ Emily, Pat Daigle 5:19 am. You could place a marker around the chart, but you would constantly be moving it to account for the increases. You may want to double check that if you have Yarn Overs right before or after the marker that they are staying where they should, that you arent moving the markers by misplacing the Yarn Overs. Hi Pat Im sorry, thats not one of our patterns and I havent knit it so I cant really say how the chart works. Hi Mary Yep: yo, k1, yo, k1, yo, k1, yo, k1, yo, k1, yo, k1, yo, k1, yo, k1, Momzilla If any Russian knitters could help with the translation, that would help so much!!! I dont know how to do the pattern repeats. December 19, 2021 @ Hi, Ive knit many items with seemingly complex patterns and Ive always been able to figure them out until now. Hi Mary Im sorry, without a key I cant really say. I have a chart that says T&P at the end of a short row. This will sound goofy, and Im a very experienced knitter, but now Im working on a charted piece that ends up with a V shaped bottom. 1:08 pm. Definition. You might want to try contacting the designer. December 19, 2021 @ loreleieurto Original symbol instructi. 9:32 am, It means the first size is k3 and the second size is k2, Cindy Crane Priscilla Knoble Thanks for any help you cangive me. 1:10 pm. 11:31 am. Does this mean that I should decrease stitches or cast off to form those triangles? 9:35 am. June 8, 2018 @ When you are knitting in the round, you will read all chart rounds from right to left (in the direction that you knit). Hi Holly you are always working the next row of the chart, the chart is always read right to left. When working charts you are working the rounds in order. July 27, 2016 @ It is really wonderful what you do for the knitting community. 8:49 am. Thank you very much for your help. I am left handed. I am knitting a 30 stitch cable- because I am knitting a larger size than the standard it says for RS work 30-st rep 4 times and work first 21 sts once- I assume this means 4 of the 30 stitch cable and then the first 21 sets of the cable. 12:32 am. is reverse stockinette (purl on right side, knit on wrong side). They are a compact way to illustrate more patterns that would take much more space if described in text instructions. September 5, 2014 @ Alexa Ludeman June 6, 2019 @ 11:56 am. July 25, 2018 @ I am having a fascinating time this weekend noodling out Russian language pages on knitting and crochet, and trying to translate some terms. As the chart increases the repeats will increase, so it starts with 6, then increases to 8, then 10. It does show the repetitive pattern of lace which I can see but thats about it. July 12, 2016 @ Im knitting a hat, but I dont really understand how decreases work in charts. 6:04 pm, If the legend shows a square as K on RS. one row shows 3 knits and 4 purls (in the round), the next row shows the slip stitch decrease of 2 and 4 purls. Alexa Ludeman Walker: no stitch. April 6, 2021 @ Im knitting the antler mittens and a newbie with reading charts. Each size has a different number of sts. What is this??? November 16, 2016 @ Hi! In the past two weeks, Z has gone from a military marking to the main symbol of public support for Russia's invasion of Ukraine. I started doing this because I had (dimly) remembered some Russian language stitch dictionary pages that offered up a slightly different collection of texture patterns from those that commonly seen in English language books. If I continue on with k or p in empty squares, I am now 1 st off every time there is a slash (k2tog). Useful charts i have found for translating russian knitting chart symbols into english. On the chart it shows the knitting square as being half it size (width) and the x represents the cc, but is placed on the right side of the skinny box. Best luck! 1:20 pm, Hi Rachael It depends what the pattern repeat is, but if its a knit on the RS it is probably a purl on the WS, Charlene Karpiuk Although they tell the number of stitches each chart is worked over, there is no designation for the rows. 8:33 pm. Yet we are treated as simpletons by others who are convinced that charts are so easy (despite the fact that we dont all share the opinion) when we share ours and are frequently ridiculed, derided and made fun of on places like ravelry. Hi Kimberly I dont really know without seeing the actual pattern, but I would assume if the pattern has a no stitch you should just ignore it and move to the next square. Each chart is slightly different. alexaludeman 10:12 am. alexaludeman January 17, 2017 @ May 1, 2015 @ Jo Ann February 15, 2018 @ Hopefully the chart notes will give you some clues? 10:33 am. The Craft Yarn Council (CYC) represents the leading yarn companies, accessory manufacturers, magazine, book publishers, and consultants in the yarn industry. 1:14 pm. Includes easy stitch patterns, simple color work, and some increases or decreases. Knitting Chart Symbols Russian translated to English Thank you!!! Thank you in advance! As I find more of these charts I will keep adding them to this post! March 8, 2016 @ Im doing the smallest size which is on double pointed needles. Im working a chart pattern but the pattern says to increase 2 stitches at the beginning of each row. This symbol is shown on just one square of the grid but affect 3 stitches in total. Got into awful trouble for reading at the same time and making a mistake. Feb 19, 2017 - Brioche knitting symbols - Kreatywne pomysly dziewiarskie -Robotki Eli: 1.Skrty i symbole dziewiarskie 10:31 am, Toni 10:54 pm. It has a red line around the very first box which it days the symbol means repeat. 1:57 pm, Hi Im working from a chart for the first time. 7:16 pm. Original symbol instructions in Russian. My work doesnt look the same as the pattern photo. Any help would be super appreciated! Im knitting my first pair of mittens (Norwegian) and am struggling to understand how to understand the pattern to make increases for the thumb gussets: Just wanted to make sure I understand it correctly: I understand the chart for the first 34 Rows . We also have a tutorial on how to work the stitch if thats useful:, caroline Be sure to review the chart key before you cast on! You dont need a stitch to make a YO so you dont need to count those. If a chart of 20 stitches asks that I purl 2 stitches together, twice, on the return row (row 2), do I have 18 stitches and adjust the chart accordingly? I have a chart but unfortunately I have some geometrical shapes that are blank (and I also know for certain they do not represent k1 as I have the classical symbol of an empty box for that). October 22, 2020 @ ANY HELP, alexaludeman Hi Joy set-up means that round is setting you up for future rounds, usually with a marker placement or establishing a stitch pattern. Thanks! Edith Andrej Isakovic/AFP via Getty Images. ): The chart is then read from the bottom right hand corner. 5:58 pm. When you work back and forth in rows, the first stitch of every row is worked into the last stitch of the preceding row. This is similar to the use of brackets in text knitting instructions. What is strange is that you start with 254 stitches and it says after you finish with the full set of the pattern (15 rows) you end up with 210 stitches, alexaludeman :) thank you so so much! alexaludeman Do I just add extra filler sts at the beginning so that the center st of the chart matches the center st of the work? Includes more complex stitch patterns, using a combination of stitches. January 15, 2018 @ Also, why is it showing me A.8 above A.2 which is section Im working on? The text is in Russian but the illustrations are helpful in deciphering certain symbols! Thanks. January 23, 2016 @ 3:58 pm. 9:40 am. STEP 2. alexaludeman Perhaps you can contact the designer or pattern publisher for help? October 13, 2015 @ When do I increase? As previously mentioned, there are many symbol variations, especially for cables. 3:10 am, Hi Laura thanks for pointing that out! Not sure if I am to decrease at each end of the the row. Recent marches such as the Women's March on Jan. 21 and the March for Science on Saturday have brought knitting into the international spotlight and lured newcomers to a symbol of activism that . 1:47 pm. I have never done charts, but thought it could not be too difficult after having read your excellent instructions. You work them in different ways when they occur at the start (or end) of the lace panel. April 6, 2021 @ 8:53 am. What does it mean to work Row 1 of Left front eyelet lace chart over 2 sts indicated by BRACKET for your size. The bracket shows YO and K for the size I am doing (30) and 2K for the next size up (36). August 9, 2020 @ Sorry if this is a bit convoluted, I guess its difficult to explain without showing the picture of what I mean, alexaludeman Knitting size L. After doing set up round is where Im confused. If you would like to help with symbol meanings, written formats or to simply help out another knitter you may do so in the comments section. Or is it knit a stitch? Id be really grateful for some help. The pattern chart has 13 stitches which are to be repeated. January 28, 2022 @ 12:20 pm. Finally! August 16, 2021 @ alexaludeman Therefore I do not know if I am working all the rows right to left or some left to right. Renee 5:15 am. February 25, 2021 @ Also, at the bottom of the chart it shows 4 6 8 st Repeat 6 4 What is this in reference to? Ill do my best to explain the chart: the pattern states it is repeated over 22 stitches and 12 rows, but the chart is 27 stitches wide with no missing or empty stitch cells. The pattern I am using is Fionas Top and the no stitch appears in chart B and B1. October 13, 2018 @ Im loving this whole Strange Brew project and plan to make many. So now I know what NO STITCH means. I am making a baby dress. I'm a native Russian speaker but haven't worked with Russian patterns. Unfortunately it will depend on the chart, is that info missing from the key? Suzanne Poorman Landis alexaludeman Your instructions clarified issues Ive been dealing with. Thank you so much for the quick response! I saved several of the dinosaur patterns and wondered whether they would come out exactly as pictured since (I am given to understand), knitting stitches do not quite match square charted patterns. Thanks for setting up this page its really helpful! October 27, 2016 @ How do I knit the even rows? Im not sure, is it a Tin Can Knits pattern? 4:04 am. 10:24 am. August 8, 2017 @ January 7, 2021 @ Hi Judy If the pattern calls for multiples of 16 + 47 it seems like there will be 47 edge sts, so you would want to stop working the 16 st repeat 47 sts before the end of the row, then work the edge sts. You can just totally ignore them. 8:42 pm, Hi Diane Im not sure what you mean by doesnt look correct? 12:22 pm. 5:46 am. March 29, 2016 @ Russian gymnast . The pattern originates in Germany and I dont know if the European charts may be different?? Am I right? 11:44 am. There are 42 stitches across and 60 rows. alexaludeman Is the right side still facing you? Is it really all 32 rows 8 times? Kate Scott Do you know what I might be doing incorrectly? February 26, 2015 @ Ive followed charts before with symbols like this but I'm not confident I'm looking at all of them correctly (although I do understand the symbols for knit and purl). After a bit of practice, most knitters find working from charts much more intuitive, quick, and simple than working from line-by-line text instructions. December 6, 2018 @ March 29, 2015 @ For even-numbered rows, continue in pattern (for garter stitch, knit; for stockinette, purl; for reverse stockinette, knit). WEB WALKING THROUGH RUSSIAN KNITTING AND CROCHET,,, STITCHING ON THE MUSEO DEL TESSUTOS 16TH CENTURY CAMICA, Charts for Embroidery, Crochet, or Knitting, I'll Be Watching You (Eyeball) Bolster Cushion. You can, of course, choose to work any symbol in an alternate manner, to suit your knitting style or your personal preferences. January 12, 2022 @ Lols, desre franco Nuala McCormack Charts will either show all rows (or rounds) or only illustrate one side of the work, usually the right side. 6:13 am, Fred As I worked through the repeat section once, and then a few rows later, twice etc. Debbie A kfb is special because it uses a stitch to make one, you want to use a method that just makes 1 (try this method here: ), Glenda Giles 4:04 pm, What does it mean knit 2a,a and then 2a,b until last 2 stitches, alexaludeman 9:37 am. But every designer choses their own chart conventions, so theres no way for me to know 100% how your specific chart is meant to be read without seeing it. 7:35 am. February 25, 2015 @ Learn twelve ways to make side edges of a knitted project nice and tidy. If you want to try it all out in a hat Id say go with our free Clayoquot toque pattern, or the new Fleet hat, or maybe the Banff hat? Agnes, alexaludeman We will get that all fixed up. It seems like you would need a certain number of sts before and after the chart to make it fit? Can you please help me to decipher this chart? dhender746 Hi, i brought a pattern from iceland back home, in the chart i see a cross line over 2, 3 or 5 stitches ending in a vertical line. So I am confused as how to proceed. June 8, 2018 @ 12:36 pm. As you can see from the antler cable below, c4b and c4f cable 4 back and front are worked over 4 stitches. 12:55 pm. Middle cable pattern shows cable over 5 stitches. December 3, 2020 @ November 23, 2020 @ Hi Jacqui Im not sure how to help, because I dont know what pattern youre working from? Nov 1, 2014 - Useful charts I have found for translating Russian knitting chart symbols into English. March 6, 2019 @ You can do it with your right hand after you performed steps 1 4 described above. Im assuming yes because youre never going in 2 opposite directions Thanks in advance! I have a feeling its simple but Im just not getting it. So, here are step-by-step instructions that explain how to hold the yarn in your left hand.